hey, sorry so long. I've been gone so long the website look brand spanking new! I like it, it's refreshing.Ataraxy - did you model the car as nurbs or polygon? and is the tyre a painted texture or just graphics on the side?
looks great.
Yeah true pro garages are pristine, but they arent empty. this looks good and has the potential to go further. Add tools and stuff to busy it up. I get that this is a team garage but I think the cupboards and chairs should have a different color to the car as its all the same. the eye is instantly drawn to the tyre too, which shouldnt be the case.
Im not saying you are wrong, but I think it's the reflection from the "Quarter panel exhaust vents"Hi! I like it! especially the weel, don't know why
I would try to clean the side of the car, where the door meets the body, there's something strange..
keep it up!!