Troubleshooting: Blender->Maya->ZBrush
I made a model in Blender and I was going to sculpt on it in ZBrush now. If I export from Blender as .obj and import into ZBrush, all is fine, except that I cannot import the whole model at once and have it seperated into single subtools.
So I thought to myself, let's import the model into Maya and get it to ZBrush with GoZ. Problem is, when I import the .obj into Maya, it becomes puzzled into pieces each time.
The mesh seems to be ok though:
- just 1 material per object
- no double verts
- no tris
- no non manifold edges
- normals ok
- all modifiers applied
- no seams made yet
I've checked all possible issues, don't know what else to do? Anyone have an idea???
Here are the default export settings available to me in Blender: