After reading the featured interview about Michael McKinley I went out and bought his book; 'Maya Studio Projects - Game Environments & Props' and I'm finding it a HUGE help in expanding my environment creation skills.
I was just wondering if anyone else can recommend other books or publications that help(ed) them in developing their skills? I'd be most interested in something like a regular/monthly publication such as a 3D modelling magazine or a game design magazine (as game design is really my 'angle') but my local Asda (that's Walmart to you guys across the pond!) doesn't have a very good selection on-hand. Sometimes I go to get my regular PC Gamer and they've just decided not to order it in that month!
Here's a couple of props I made today, the brick wall and ivy were made by following tutorials within the book, and the bollard was just a bit of fun before I started working on the next project; an acacia tree (which I'm doing as I write this).

Thanks for any tips
