Final Gather won't render in, gather
I'm going through my lighting class tutorial and doing a very basic lighting with sun and sky in a boolianed room.
The problem is two fold. 1, my map won't visualize at all. So there's that, and that seems to be a hotfix 4 issue from what I've read on the internets.
But 2, and what is worse, is that when I commit my first final gather render of this (and we're talking a sphere in a boxed room with one light -sun and sky- and one window and camera-with no other detail here) in order to start working with the light levels, it will give me what appears to be the proper final gather "watercolor" render in progress in my render view, go through both passes to the very end...still fine, but then Poof! As soon as the render completes, it reverts back to (the render) my pre-final gather render using just global illumination-as if the final gather had not applied at all-though everything should be working.
Ive run this a few times now to the same result. Could this be a graphics card issue?