Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
Thanks Dom
I just thought I would show the baked occlusion texture to show you how use full it can be, I might use it as a shadow layer in photoshop, I hope to make a dirt texture using a layer mask and as you can see it makes a better guide then just your UVs...............dave
Followed gubar and Doms advice and have moved some of my UVs around so I have more shaders, this is just the start of the texturing will also change the light setup............dave
Edit:Will be adding a little scene some thing like cobbled road with part of a house
The green is looking a bit off but that could just be the color adjustment on my monitor. I like the dirt road with the tank pushed through a small stone wall and the gun just firing!
"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Sir Isaac Newton, 1675
Thanks Rick
I got to look up the green US olive drab I think it was called, I planned to do the bump first dont know why Ive done colour first, this realy is just a draught still a lot to do find one tank and get all number and marking of it...........dave
"Your weapons are no match for ours! People of Mars, surrender!"
"Um, this isn't Mars. This is Earth."
"Earth? Earth-with-nuclear-weapons Earth?"
[long pause] "Friend!!"
I wonder how will that look when its over. Its looking very good. Dave how do you place the detail pieces on the main body. Do you intersect geometry, sew them or snap them on the surface. Is it possible for you to show some close up detail object placements on the bigger meshes?
Thanks Guys
Got to do the bake occlusion again as I need to add the machine gun and stand also the front cogged wheel was not right had overlapping UVs, goggles most are just intersecting some are modelled and some are just resting on top, I mainly do this stuff by eye............dave
Edit:any cables were done by making surface live then draw the curve on it then extrude
Looking good dave. Baking out an occlusion texture has been a very good idea. An unexpected benefit was with intersecting geometry. The occlusion texture gave me a very good idea where geometry intersects. Good to know when adding dirt to textures.
Have a look at layermasks in photoshop if you have 1 layer say dirt then add the occlusion to the mask instant dirt map, still doing the tank have a few set backs but getting there I think.............dave
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