Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 1 07-08-2012 , 09:35 AM
Skalman's Avatar
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Resetting my scene?

I need to reset my scene because i messed up the viewports and more which made everything just a mess.

i would like to select the mesh/rigs etc that i want in a whole new file without my reference planes and all that.

Is there a way i can do that, and if there is how do i do that?



Problem is solved for some reason everything worked as i wanted this time i tried to edit>export

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Last edited by Skalman; 07-08-2012 at 09:53 AM.
# 2 07-08-2012 , 09:47 AM
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Posts: 293
I did try the Edit>Export All option but it just copied the whole scene and put it into another one, kinda like changing name of the scene

The problems with the viewports are that from the beginning the green squarelike with a L in (the more u zoom out the bigger the square will be and the longer the L will be) were in the way for my perspective view, so i started moving theese in my perspective view which caused that when i do alt+leftclick my scene has set a new "middlepoint" (which usually is in the middle of the grid) so i can't really rotate properly around my mesh

Therefore i would like to send it to a new scene so that i can have the middle of the grid as a "middlepoint" again.

edit: i also need to export my blendshapes and textures

Last edited by Skalman; 07-08-2012 at 09:50 AM.
# 3 07-08-2012 , 10:30 PM
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Those green squares with the L in it are your orthographic cameras. If you move them, make sure you only move them in the axis which they represent - i.e. - The Side camera is on the X axis. If they are simply in the way and annoying, at the top of the panel menu go to Show > Cameras and turn them off.

You could also try inputting the default settings into the channel box for each camera.

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The Shapes settings are all the same, you just have to change the translates and rotates.

Also, try using the View Cube (Display > Heads Up Display) and clicking on the home button - looks like a house when you mouse over the view cube.


Select everything in your scene, excluding the cameras, and choose File > Export Selection. Name the file then start a new scene and choose File > Import.

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Dave Baer
Professor of Digital Arts
Digital Media Arts College
Boca Raton, Florida
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