So here's the situation. I'm working on a little scene, where I have some sort of spaceship within a few clouds and in this spaceship there's a guy that's throwing up a little ball that becomes some kind of robo-bird.
So the modelling, rigging and animation is in most parts done but there are some problems.
1. The guy in the spaceship was filmed in front of a greenscreen and keyed out. My Idea was i put him as a imageplane into the scene and animate the bird to this scene. But I just can't figure out how to say mental ray that my scene should be exactly in the size of the image plane, i always have some little room in the left and right that's not belonging to the aperture. I guess I have to do some camera setting, but I don't know how to do that, I've seen exported files from boujou and stuff where it automatically fixes that problem. I have no idea

2. question. To composite the birds afterwards exactly in his hand I need to render it in two layers (Bird and Background). I've seen that stuff in Max with the object ID's but I don't get it in maya. If I set 2 render Layers and one has just the bird I get the problem, that the bird has no light and no reflections from the background. How can I achieve, that it's exactly the same just without the background?
3. The spaceship itself has a half sphere as roof. On this object I applied the mia_material with the glass_thick preset to start from that on. But when I render the scene it does quite strange stuff. How can I fix this?!
I know it's a lot of shit I'm asking, but it really freaks me out. I wanted to ask for a trainee job in 2 weeks but I'm afraid I can't finish this demo scene