Maya 2020 fundamentals - modelling the real world
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# 1 26-11-2012 , 05:23 AM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 496

Minion's Banana Song

So working on my final for my animation 3 class and this is how far i am so far, my previous file got corrupted somehow so i had to start over so no i'm doing this one user added image Some parts are more polished than others and i haven't done any lip sync yet. Most of the work has been done on the left character and only basic blocking on the right so far.

so yea all opinions are welcome

Last edited by MamoruK; 26-11-2012 at 05:25 AM.
# 2 26-11-2012 , 05:44 AM
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Not bad, but you should really add moving holds. Right now, your character hits a pose, and freezes. You need to add some motion in there to make it look more natural.

This might be of interest to you as well: . I really like this workflow.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Last edited by NextDesign; 26-11-2012 at 05:47 AM.
# 3 26-11-2012 , 05:46 AM
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yea been mostly getting the main blocking out right now the moving holds are the next step.

# 4 26-11-2012 , 05:50 AM
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I edited the post above with a link I think you might be interested in. I would stay away from animating with splined curves first, as it makes it more difficult to see when your character actually hits their pose. Most animators will put it into stepped mode, and animate 90% of the shot that way. (Blocking, break-downs, major in-betweens, etc) Then, they switch it over to splines, and do the final polish in the curve editor. This method is described in the link above.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
# 5 26-11-2012 , 06:00 AM
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Yea i've tried working in stepped but my brain just doesn't let me I have to see the motions in between. Just one of my little ticks i guess user added image

thx for that link though it was one of my long lost bookmarks that i've been looking for, for forever XD

Last edited by MamoruK; 26-11-2012 at 06:06 AM.
# 6 26-11-2012 , 10:29 AM
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# 7 26-11-2012 , 03:34 PM
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One thing I notice is that in the first 15 seconds or so, the character on the left's breasts seem to expand and contract.

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# 8 26-11-2012 , 09:39 PM
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not sure how or why you're seeing that i looked through the PB and the file and all the numebrs stay the same. maybe its just the angle that makes it look that way.

# 9 26-11-2012 , 10:09 PM
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But do you see the problem? Take a look at the silhouettes to see these kinds of things.

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# 10 26-11-2012 , 11:57 PM
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which way are they doing it? the only thing i see that you could be talking about is when the upper torso moves at around 0:07

Last edited by MamoruK; 27-11-2012 at 12:00 AM.
# 11 27-11-2012 , 03:51 AM
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It's hard to say, as there are multiple times within a second. It starts at 0:07, and ends around 0:14. Next time you run a playblast to show us, put up a frame counter; it makes it much easier to point out the problem spots. (Display>Heads up display>Current Frame)

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# 12 27-11-2012 , 09:58 AM
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# 13 27-11-2012 , 04:58 PM
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Gah, stupid youtube logo. Alright...

Frame 226 to 260. The breasts moving is caused by your upper back control rotating backwards. It looks unnatural and should be fixed.

Frame 280 to 294. The upper control is rotated again sideways, but is not at the same speed as the rest of the body, making the breasts spin sideways.

Frame 310 to 320. The upper control seems to tuck in, causing the breasts to grow in these frames.

Frame 330 to 350. The upper control moves again causing the aforementioned mass increase.

Frame 408 to 426. The breasts seem to move with the head.

Thinking about it a bit more... Is there a weighting issue with the breasts being incorrectly weighted to the head bones?

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# 14 27-11-2012 , 08:40 PM
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The head is a separate entity from the body so there shouldn't be anything in the body weighted to the head and vice versa, however i didn't make the rig so i dunno its intricacies. It's the Eleven rig from 11SC if you wanna grab it and play with it. There are controls fro the breasts but i have not yet messed with them. Wouldn't the breasts move with the upper back anyway though? I mean I know I'll need to put in some counter animation. And with them moving with the head that was me moving the upper back control with the head movement as your upper back tends to do when you move your head. However I do see that it is a bit too much rotation at the 408/426 point so I'll dial it back a bit. That might be the problem with those areas is that i'm just rotating too much.

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