i'm a beginner in the CGI world. Let us assume that i want to make a 20 sec sci-fi adventurous battle...i know that this kind of work is weary and may take years to be accomplished , and needs a whole art department...we are just assuming

Here are my questions :
1-Which software is best for modeling the creatures, Maya or Mudbox ? (animals and humans are included)
2-Which software does the animation, Maya or Motion Builder ?
3-Can i create a realistic enviroment in Maya ? or Maya is just for cartoons like 'Shrek' ? (Maya or eon-Vue?... )
4-Is there a kind of "must have Plugins" in Maya ? (e.g. rendering plug-in...)
5-I need help in building a workstation for CGI, If someone has experience in GPUs and CPUs...PM me, i'll be very appreciative for his help.
thanks in advance