I've reached the part of putting it all together for rendering in Maya but I've run into a problem.
As you can see from my render (Pic 1 top left corner) it's not working quite as it should.
So, some details... this is how Jay has set up his scene.
1. A large polysphere with an env material assigned. Type: Surface Shader. Then the colour has been mapped to a HDR image.
2. A directional light with Ray Tracing shadows enabled.
3. A spot light for a little bit of backlighting.
I've tried to do exactly as Jay did but it's not working the same way. When I create it using an env sphere I get a strange little picture saying that I've got a light shape on my surface shader (see red circle).

Also my spot light is missing the little picture saying that I've got a light shape on it.

It's like they've switched places and I haven't got the faintest idea why.
If anyone has done these video series and had the rendering work for them I'd love to know how they set it up. I'm not really a rendering genius as you've probably worked out by now so I need all the help I can get.