Help!! Render still going after days!
Hi All,
Hopefully one of the board gurus can give me some insight into a vexing issue. Anyhow, my render which is quite large 5k, single frame, all mia materials with sun/sky, fg, 16 bit...seems to be stuck at progressive. It has been chugging along for 72 hours now but the only thing that displays in the command window is progressive: finished <sub>frame...1 then it keeps chugging along in thus fashion until it gets to the next subframe. It currently up to 9. Each subframe is taking 4.5 hours to calculate and that's after taking 20 hours to calculate fg points! Now, I'm quite used to hefty render times, but three days and counting is a bit much!
When will it end? What the heck did I do wrong? And, most importantly, can I make it stop and finally write a bloody file!?
I sincerely appreciate any help that can be offered