Issue with Scene Scaling and Trax Clips
I have a model that was created at a rather large scale. The settings must have been set to feet, whereas all the other models I am working with were set to centimeters. I have since scaled her down and rigged her with the same default HIK skeleton that I used with all the other characters.
I have then created a trax clip of an eyeblink, and exported it. It imports and works perfectly on all the other characters accept the one that was originally larger in scale. When I put the trax clip on her, I can slightly see movement in her eyelids, as if the animation is very small. That's why I'm assuming it's a scaling issue.
But I have adjusted all the settings in the "settings" tab in the preferences window to match up exactly as all the other models. I can import her into a scene with the other models and she is the same size as them. It's just the trax animations that do not work with her.
The character set is made up of box controls that drive the eye controls. The box controls have a max value of 1 in trans X and Y. When I put the trax animation on the large model, and I look at it in the graph editor, the values are the same as all the other characters: 1. So I'm not sure if or how to fix the issue. Can anyone please help?