how to cancel anti-aliasing ?
Hi everyone,
I'm desperately trying to cancel anti-aliasing fonction while rendering an image of a hand with 12 labels of 12 different colors (palm = red , pinky = yellow, middle = blue, index = pink , thumb = green, etc ...) with precisely 12 sets of RGB values (blue = R=34, G=25, B=251 - Green = 2, 251, 52 -etc...)
However, while rendering, the anti-aliasing fonction smoothes the contours and i get different RGB values for one color/label --> my blue which was R=34, G=25, B=251 for exemple will become R=36, G=22, B=248, next to the edge.
This is a problem for my case.
I have tried different methods in the render settings:
- Putting the anti-aliasing quality value to zero in Maya Softare
- Decreasing the sample levels in the quality of mental ray to zero
- Changing the multi-pixel filter to box with a big size (10)
I would greatly appreciate your help !
ps: you can see the anti-aliasing problem on the attached picture.