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# 1 24-03-2015 , 03:07 AM
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After a loooong wait

Excited as hell this morning. Received my notification from Pixar. Renderman is available for download 😎 Cannot wait to get home and try it out.

Earth: The crazy asylum of the universe.
# 2 30-03-2015 , 06:30 PM
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it's great! How do you find it?

# 3 31-03-2015 , 12:17 AM
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I've also downloaded and have quickly browsed a couple tutorials, but no real progress yet. Keen to get into it. The Renderman shelf showed up empty after I installed, and the forums say to "delete your prefs --> yay that fixed it". But I'm not keen to trash my prefs, so I'm wondering if anyone has an intact Renderman shelf .mel file they'd be interested in sharing.

# 4 31-03-2015 , 04:27 AM
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Initial impression, I like it. Still working thru the differences between REYES and RIS And pros and cons of each. Also realized there is going to be a steep learning curve when I looked at things like render passes, not to mention the rib files.

@stwert, will the mel file from a mac installation work?

Earth: The crazy asylum of the universe.
# 5 31-03-2015 , 04:38 AM
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I think so... I'm pretty sure mel commands aren't OS specific, and that's all a shelf is.

# 6 31-03-2015 , 04:38 PM
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Here you go user added image

Attached Files
File Type: zip (2.0 KB, 310 views)

Earth: The crazy asylum of the universe.
# 7 31-03-2015 , 04:48 PM
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Thanks Pixal. Unfortunately if I write the good shelf over the bad one (which is 1KB and pretty empty), then open Maya it gets flushed out too. I try loading it from the interface (Shelf > Load Shelf...) and it comes in empty too. Very strange. May have to resort to the prefs wipe. Too bad.

# 8 31-03-2015 , 05:41 PM
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Have you tried restarting your machine? I had to restart for the shelf to kick in.

Earth: The crazy asylum of the universe.
# 9 31-03-2015 , 05:49 PM
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Yeah, I had to do a reboot for the plugin to show up, but no go on the shelf. Wiping the userPrefs.mel worked, but I need to figure out what I would need to re-modify to get my preferences how I like them. At the very least, there's a whole other plugin that would need reinstallation. I may post on the Renderman forums and see if there's a better solution. Not having a shelf isn't the end of the world. I might be able to build it up manually too. Although now that I think about it, I have had problems saving things to shelves I've made myself recently. Probably there is an underlying problem with my prefs that needs fixing.

# 10 02-04-2015 , 12:35 PM
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I was lucky enough to attend the free Renderman seminar at the Bafta theatre in London on Tuesday...Wow! These guys are super awesome. They went through all the new features of Reyes vs. RIS, talked about the new Disney Research Sub Surface Scattering techniques (will be fully implemented in 19.1), volumetric lighting, new instancing implementation etc etc. Some of the stuff Per Christensen demo'd was really good...and most of the tech behind it went straight over my head!

We also go to see the full length new short Lava and got to see some of the new lighting look dev they are doing with Katana 2.0 on 'Finding Dory'...

Also had some demos from Double Negative on Ant-Man.

All well worth the train ticket to London...and I got a free poster! =)

# 11 03-04-2015 , 06:42 AM
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Initial impression, I like it. Still working thru the differences between REYES and RIS And pros and cons of each. Also realized there is going to be a steep learning curve when I looked at things like render passes, not to mention the rib files.

# 12 03-04-2015 , 11:13 AM
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Also had some demos from Double Negative on Ant-Man.

oh really?

# 13 04-04-2015 , 09:09 AM
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Yep, can't remember the speakers name but he had a strong accent, maybe Spanish? Young'ish chap...

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