Learning how to make environments, vegetation and rocks and terrain. For use in both Maya and Unreal. Rocks and terrain i've been making in Zbrush. And have made some vegetation in maya by hand and today looked at Speedtree. Awesome program but the version I could afford is for Unreal and would like to also be able to use what I make in Maya. texturing the body of the tree, the bark, i've tested both textures and texturing in Substance Painter to good effect.
Ok here is what I need to know. Do studios just use a software like Speedtree or an inhouse software or do people still create by hand? Seems to me the best way is to model the trunk and big branches in maya and take into zbrush or just create the base in zbrush and then add bark in Z. It's a bit of modelling but then whatever it takes. Leaves and branches are created by cards with transparency. I got back in to Pluralsight and am browsing there but not finding much and hitting Google. Any thoughts or advice would be very welcome. Bad thing about not being able to take classes is instead of being taught effectively you're wasting time searching for it.

Thanks for your time,