I received an email last night telling me youtube will be undergoing new changes, being part of the YouTube Partner Program is going to be harder, they have outlined more stringent requirements now, the main ones are, you need 1000 subscribers, 4000 hours of watch time, and 10,000 total views for your channel, if you do not meet these, youtube will terminate you from the YouTube Partner Program,this is bs, based on what I have gathered since last night small channels will be affected the most, youtube has taken a turn for the worst over the last few years,
This whole new youtube change is complete horse sh!t, I've been working so hard on my videos, I've poured hours into my content, but you know what?, I enjoyed every second of it, it beats being stuck at a dead end job watching my spirit get destroyed, you have people who stick a camera in their face smack their lips together, make incoherent jibber jabber and then top it off with a lame @$$ title and a thumbnail that looks like they have their gonad's caught in a vice while someone is shoving a baseball bat up their rectum,* get millions of views and subscribers, yet people who actually. Put time and effort* into their videos hardly get anything, I enjoyed watching my revenue increase, even if it was by a few pennies, to me it was progress, "slow and steady wins the race" right?, well I guess not, I feel like I have been kicked in the proverbial nuts, looks like yt wants quantity over quality,
I checked my analytics I exceed the total view count, I stand at 21,276, I have 12886 hours of watch time from jan 2017- dec 2017 and as of jan 2018 I have almost 862 minutes of watch time, the only thing I don't meet is the 1000 required subscribers, so let me get this straight, I meet two out of the three requirements, and youtube still thinks it's acceptable to kick me off the partner program, I put out quality videos, I've worked my @ss off this past year and what do I get? I feel sick to my stomach, I will continue, you can't break me, I WILL SUCCEED, ODIN GIVE ME STRENGTH!!!!!!!
![Furious user added image](images2/smilies/furious.gif)
what are your thoughts?
here is my channel, if any of you can help it will be greatly appreciated