Originally posted by PureHate
lol im surprised you reply to this message wicket. considering he is compitition to this gundam making. but il admit you heavy arms is bad ass. but i plan to make the endless waltz heavy arms :-D
hehehe yeah he makes me feel some heat and so will you but I'm only gonna do the original ones... for now at least! And it's gonna be a bit till I start Deathsythe cause I'm doing the competition this month and need to get crackin! 
Lookin forward to Heavyarms custom!!! I'll make a duel beam gatlin for mine as well just like later in the series when they all do some changes to things! Heavyarms and Sandrock are the only two that stay pretty much the same before the movie! Anyways L8 and THX Vijay2004 for the blueprints!!!
May the force be with you...always!
A Jedi shall not know anger nor hatred nor Love
The only way to live a good life is to act upon your emotions
A warrior is reborn when he has something to protect