Open File dialog and assign texture
Hi, I created a Blinn material and it has 2d texture node now what I want is that when the user runs this script it should ask which texture he wants to assign Any idea?
string $mySel[] = `ls -sl`;
string $myBlinn = `shadingNode -asShader blinn`;
string $myFile = `createRenderNodeCB -as2DTexture "" file ("")`;
setAttr ($myBlinn + ".specularRollOff")0.2;
connectAttr ($myFile+".outColor") ($myBlinn+".color");
select $myFile;
AEfileTextureBrowser ("AEassignTextureCB " + $myFile + ".fileTextureName") $myFile image;
select -r $mySel;
hyperShade -assign $myBlinn $mySel;