Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 91 12-04-2003 , 09:56 PM
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Its done, user added image.. in just a minute user added image... ok i will post the image in another minute, i have to resize user added image.

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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# 92 12-04-2003 , 10:04 PM
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Ok, heres the final final, after the final user added image. Anyways, its moreso smoothed out, tell me what you think caligraphics and what i still have to work on user added image.. thanks. BTW, you see the ring with the 2 holes in it and that rod above it with holes in that? Well, go southeast from that ring and you will see a round cylinder.... its more detailed then it came out in the picuture after i resized it... but, thats going to be the little red button user added image. Now that i look at it, this render isnt as nice... i did turn off "receive shadows".. that is what must of really knocked down the render time. It kinda did take away from the render though, hmmm... if anyone sees anything that still needs lots of work let me know (other than for that line thats running through the little red button... that i didnt notice until after the render... that must of happened when i smoothed at one time user added image).

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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Last edited by M; 12-04-2003 at 10:09 PM.
# 93 13-04-2003 , 01:53 AM
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this isnt a model problem. im just wondering what the bottom object is in the front that look like a rocket facing toward the gun is? If it is a backwards rocket.. why? It doesnt look like anything i can identify like flame thrower.. laser.. rail gun, machine gun. nothing.. im confused.

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# 94 13-04-2003 , 01:58 AM
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Yea, I was thinking the same man.

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# 95 13-04-2003 , 04:35 AM
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wOOOt you DIDN't forget the little red button! Dude the Fifth Element rox, but not as much as )v(. Yah i think that it looks better without the shadows you just gotta turn down the light a little = ) And BTW we can't see the line going through the button(op now i see it heh).

About the backwards rocket guys, i don't think he is trying to create new futuristic rockets to try to confuse you, but rather its on the ref, and its on the model. I think i even remember noticing that in the movie and scratching my head. If you REALLY wanna know what it is...........the ask ZurG hehe

Question: I noticed that you resized that final render, and i was thinking that that would make it look better (rendering slightly larger than you're final product, not making it smaller = ) for my movie if i rendered at say 800x600 for a 720x480 DV. But i wasn't sure.

"When you are born, you have a resposiblilty to program you're own mind, if you do not accept this responsiblilty, then the world will do it for you"
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Last edited by Vectorman; 13-04-2003 at 04:38 AM.
# 96 13-04-2003 , 05:17 AM
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First off, yea. about that rocket.. i was wondering the same thing LOL. It is in the refrence, vector is right. The thing is, im pretty sure its a shooting net, or its a freezing rocket thing. It doesnt shoot out of the gun, it just shoots something out of that. And vectorman, I usually think rendering large then making small is the best, but for a movie your best bet may just be to render at the same size. But then again when i render small you can get little defects in the render, when you render over 1024, usually all of these are smoothed out, then its just a matter of resizing the pixels. I am not the best person to answer this, but i think bigger to smaller (within a certain ammount.. seeing pixels can start to get off a bit, if its a BIG change) is your best bet user added image, ya..cya.

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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# 97 13-04-2003 , 08:28 PM
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thats what i thought, i will continue rendering at 800x600 for the 720x480 DV do you think that is enough?

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# 98 14-04-2003 , 12:39 AM
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yep user added image, i feel that rendering at 1024 gives you the BEST of quality imho user added image. So 800x600 should be enough, but 1024 should give you the best.... i think user added image.

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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# 99 14-04-2003 , 01:27 AM
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Originally posted by Vectorman
Question: I noticed that you resized that final render, and i was thinking that that would make it look better (rendering slightly larger than you're final product, not making it smaller = ) for my movie if i rendered at say 800x600 for a 720x480 DV. But i wasn't sure.

Remember though that if you´re working for a 720x480 aspect ratio, then your image even though bigger should be at least a multiple of the number.

For example, if you want to render an image 800 pixels wide, to scale it down to 720 (Which will obviously make it a more rich image) your height should be 533,33 pixels long (Obviously this one doesn´t exist) .. however you might want to try 920x680.

I just added 200 pixels to the height and width, and this one WILL scale down correctly, unlike the 800X600 -since those are different aspect ratios-

Hope this helps,

<adldesigner notices his having trouble finding the right way to express himself>

# 100 14-04-2003 , 02:25 AM
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Originally posted by M
First off, yea. about that rocket.. i was wondering the same thing LOL. It is in the refrence, vector is right. The thing is, im pretty sure its a shooting net, or its a freezing rocket thing. It doesnt shoot out of the gun, it just shoots something out of that. And vectorman, I usually think rendering large then making small is the best, but for a movie your best bet may just be to render at the same size. But then again when i render small you can get little defects in the render, when you render over 1024, usually all of these are smoothed out, then its just a matter of resizing the pixels. I am not the best person to answer this, but i think bigger to smaller (within a certain ammount.. seeing pixels can start to get off a bit, if its a BIG change) is your best bet user added image, ya..cya.

I'll have to watch it again and look for that thing on the gun.

+ adldesigner + Just out of curiosity, how come LW didn't work out?

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# 101 14-04-2003 , 02:35 AM
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Originally posted by Hidalgo
+ adldesigner + Just out of curiosity, how come LW didn't work out?

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I guess I was used to Maya´s workflow, nodes and all. Besides I´ve got so much software on me -learned that is- that I started to overflow. My brain just threw me a buffer underrun. user added image

# 102 15-04-2003 , 02:26 AM
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didnt know i would start a controvercy? did you say the guns from fifth element? i got the dvd on my tv now.. i never watched it. maybe i should one of these days.

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# 103 15-04-2003 , 08:12 AM
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Dude )v( i thought i said this somewhere already, but I couldn't find it so: I think you and i should battle next! You will surely win, but i'm the only one who has more free time then you! So there will at least be alotta progress pics, and posts. I dunno it'd be fun.

"When you are born, you have a resposiblilty to program you're own mind, if you do not accept this responsiblilty, then the world will do it for you"
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