Remember though that if you´re working for a 720x480 aspect ratio, then your image even though bigger should be at least a multiple of the number.Originally posted by Vectorman
Question: I noticed that you resized that final render, and i was thinking that that would make it look better (rendering slightly larger than you're final product, not making it smaller = ) for my movie if i rendered at say 800x600 for a 720x480 DV. But i wasn't sure.
I'll have to watch it again and look for that thing on the gun.Originally posted by M
First off, yea. about that rocket.. i was wondering the same thing LOL. It is in the refrence, vector is right. The thing is, im pretty sure its a shooting net, or its a freezing rocket thing. It doesnt shoot out of the gun, it just shoots something out of that. And vectorman, I usually think rendering large then making small is the best, but for a movie your best bet may just be to render at the same size. But then again when i render small you can get little defects in the render, when you render over 1024, usually all of these are smoothed out, then its just a matter of resizing the pixels. I am not the best person to answer this, but i think bigger to smaller (within a certain ammount.. seeing pixels can start to get off a bit, if its a BIG change) is your best bet, ya..cya.
I guess I was used to Maya´s workflow, nodes and all. Besides I´ve got so much software on me -learned that is- that I started to overflow. My brain just threw me a buffer underrun.Originally posted by Hidalgo
+ adldesigner + Just out of curiosity, how come LW didn't work out?