Digital humans the art of the digital double
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# 1 09-04-2003 , 04:16 AM
Lane243's Avatar
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First erm "thing" made in Maya

Just started Maya a few weeks ago and this is my first project. :p

Kinda retarded looking but I don't really know much about modelling and Maya is my first thing to do with modelling.

Any comments are welcomed... just don't laugh too hard user added image

# 2 09-04-2003 , 05:03 AM
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hehe, it actually looks really good!

for some reaon the texture makes it look half 2D, half 3D... (the front of it is 3D, and where the texture is, it looks 2D)

maybe try a different render angle

Great Job though! Awsome start!


# 3 12-04-2003 , 06:33 PM
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hey lane243, great start! What you may want to do is extrude the edges of the camofladged part of the gun, and scale down, to give it more of a rounded look user added image. Other than that, your metal textures could be better (go to user added image) seeing its a bit noisey user added image. Keep posting your new work here at SM user added image.

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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# 4 13-04-2003 , 09:06 PM
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I would blend the different colours on the camo a little more (a minor blur might do it) and maybe give the metal some specularity (glossyness) and possibly some reflection depending on the finish.

Also, the Butt of you're gun looks pretty flat, maybe clicking on the smooth button in the Polygon shelf might help?

"When you are born, you have a resposiblilty to program you're own mind, if you do not accept this responsiblilty, then the world will do it for you"
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# 5 14-04-2003 , 03:58 AM
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Just got home (been out of town all weekend, glad to be back, was a tiring weekend) and I thank you for all the comments you have posted... kinda late, so I will start working on all the suggestions and quite possibly post an update tommorow (might be getting my Planetside beta disk in though :p)

Night everyone,

EDIT: tried, said no page existed

Last edited by Lane243; 14-04-2003 at 04:00 AM.
# 6 19-04-2003 , 06:24 PM
Witchy's Avatar
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I think that's a great start myself.

You can also try mapping a texture from a real weapon onto your model- that's a technique used a lot in low poly modelling for games- this is a low poly rifle (requirement is under 350) I made for a game mod I'm fortunate enough to be helping out on (rifle in foreground, image being used as plane for modelling against in the background, texture is a 256x256 map made in PS). Using real weapon textures can help with getting a realistic look. Also if you try using a cylinder with a lower number of faces on the butt it can help with giving it a more rounded look. I tend to break the weapon down into parts and think what shapes would be the best start for each area before I start to model. I don't use the create poly tool as much for low poly work as you can end up with a bit of a square look.

Hope you don't mind me pasting a pic in your thread (bit over compressed and the parts are not merged together, but you get the general idea).

Last edited by Witchy; 19-04-2003 at 06:48 PM.
# 7 19-04-2003 , 08:07 PM
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Witchy thats 350? wow nice work!

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# 8 19-04-2003 , 08:29 PM
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I ran over on that one it's 365 when triangulated. That lever took it up past the 350 mark very quickly but it came back enough for me to be allowed to get away with it user added image

# 9 19-04-2003 , 08:31 PM
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that was the part i was looking at, i'm sure you'll figure it out tho.

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# 10 19-04-2003 , 08:40 PM
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Luckily I have been permitted to have it at that count, but as a result lost 20 off my shotgun allowance LOL.

# 11 19-04-2003 , 09:00 PM
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OMG.. did i say Damn, i was working in the hypershade again for too long user added image. Sorry man, I meant user added image. Hope that clears things up.

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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# 12 19-04-2003 , 10:30 PM
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omg lol i remebered reading that and i thought M said it correctly the first time, but he said hypershade. I knew exactly what he was talking about too lol.

If you know a bit about paint programs (paint shop or photoshop) then Zoorender has some great textures. (click textures = )

"When you are born, you have a resposiblilty to program you're own mind, if you do not accept this responsiblilty, then the world will do it for you"
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