Integrating 3D models with photography
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# 1 22-05-2003 , 12:41 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 101

internship search

Ive currently been looking for internships for a few months now but have a hard time finding places near me that offer any kind of internship that i would be qualified for. Does anyone know any sites that have a large posting on internships and jobs? ive looked at highend 3d,gamasutra, and animationworld network frequently and have only found one that i was able to apply for. I live near the NYC area so if somone could help me out with some info i would greatly appreciate it.

# 2 23-05-2003 , 06:36 AM
silva's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 84
The only thing that comes to mind would be the forum for jobs, maybe someone would advertise internships there.

# 3 05-06-2003 , 10:16 AM
cylibral's Avatar
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: NYC
Posts: 2
Well depends,

Do you go to a school around NYC and how far do you live from here you can pretty much go to the www.vfx Site for it in it all depends what your looking for and you can also look up the companies in NYC for their websites to see if they need interns. There are many comapnies that use them all you need to do is find them in a google search or Yahoo search. is always looking for them they are located in downtown NYC. Charlex is another Guava vfx is another 7hope this helps you out in any way.


3d mind soul and body

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