Digital humans the art of the digital double
Ever wanted to know how digital doubles are created in the movie industry? This course will give you an insight into how it's done.
# 1 26-06-2003 , 10:08 PM
Registered User
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 4

Hi all

I m a new friend in the simplymaya & before downloading many video tut the message " You have no points " appear.
please why this message appear, thanks all

# 2 26-06-2003 , 10:41 PM
howardporter's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: usa
Posts: 985
hello and welcome to the best board on the planet!!

you have to purchase points for those videos, there a a bunch of free ones for you to audition first if you are not sure. I recomend the videos, there is nothing better than seeing someone at work to learn how to do something.

see ya around!

# 3 26-06-2003 , 11:19 PM
M's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: BC, Canada
Posts: 2,250
Hey khaled, welcome to simply maya! The free tutorials like howard porter said will teach you a lot about maya, and the basics. I have learned everything though through the simplymaya community. So any of my work, you could be doing equal or better if you purchased some tutorials. You learn just SO much stuff in such little time! Some things that are incredibly hard to grasp through text, you can see right through video, and it makes things a lot easier! I rarely follow along the videos, as i only have 1 monitor.. but i love watching them and then i apply the techniques to my own things later user added image. Cya around the board and welcome to SM!

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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