After receiving quite a few requests for a car / patch modeling tutorial - I have caved in to the pressure and have started doing one

All about it and what it will cover:
Laying down curves
rebuilding curves
using Bi-rail 1,2 and 3
using boundary
loft options
rebuilding surfaces
attaching curves, and patches
projecting curves
Plus a load of other cool stuff.
The tutorial will lay out the car as "clean" as possible, as you can see from the sreenshot I have focussed on keeping patches running smooth for a nicer finish...
The car below is only still having surfaces built, so the end result will obviously be a lot better... I just wanted to keep you guys informed.
I am guessing at this point that the car tutorial to the point below will take a few hrs. Havnt quite decided if the tutorial will go on to video or in the vip area (perhaps even both)
So far to this point there have been 3 parts recorded and then then it will go to dave who will output in a very high quality DIVX format.
BTW . I have choosen this car as it is challenging enough to get to grips with all the tools and will look great when complete yet remains a little easy to do due to its "normal" look

any questions then please feel free to ask.