Okay, here's something I've been lulling over for a better part of the day. I COULD update to Maya 5 if I wanted to but is it really all that great of an upgrade to warrant the change? I'm currently using GI Joe to get my global illumination but GI Joe can only do so much. I'm running my set up on a dinosaur of a 533MHz computer and it drags enough as it is. I'm looking into Mental Ray and I know it's true GI but how much slower will it be to render with than my current set up? I'm saving up for a new computer (as many of you all know) and I've found a site - OT for a sec here (www.pricerightauctions.com) - that auctions off brand new computers for less than $300 like Dell and Sony Vaio PCs so I may get a decent PC yet.
Anywho, is it worth my time to upgrade? What good points can you all give me on switching? Are there any?
