Ive got my scene all completed....... a lil boat sailing over a wavey ocean with mountains on horizon.......its from Maya Fundamentals 4.5....... and I started rendering it...... while it was rendering I decided to look at the Tiffs already written and saved....
The view I should be getting, looking out of the camera over bow of boat is not what is rendring...... its rendering a view looking down over boat from a good distance and I have no idea why. I selected the camera on the boat in render globals but it doesnt seem to be using that. Also... when I select that camera and make my view to look through selected... its aimed wrong...... except I cant rotate it or anything,..... I select the rings when using the rotate tool and nothing rotates... I tried to enter numbers in the Channel box but it says the rotate fields are locked...... I looked and right clicked on rotate X and chose unlock and it still doesnt rotate...... Im so lost and aggravated..

what am I doing wrong?
Im going to attach my scene file even tho I dont know if its needed to answer my question.
Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.