Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 1 16-08-2003 , 11:07 PM
Scraggy_Dogg's Avatar
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I did a pencil and textured by selecting faces, but.... Is there an option because when I select the err - Wood bit. it selects the handle as well? (long painted bit) .... user added image

Regards and thanks Scragz

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# 2 17-08-2003 , 12:34 AM
ragecgi's Avatar
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You mean when you select the "wood bit faces", the rest of the "shaft faces" get selected as well?

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# 3 17-08-2003 , 12:45 AM
drknow's Avatar
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It seems that your pencil is one object. I fixed it for you, but you will need to retexture it now. I just highlighted the faces of the cone and used the polygon extract tool. Here is the scene.

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It's Dr. Know, Not Darknow
# 4 17-08-2003 , 07:06 AM
^^TwEeK^^'s Avatar
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well i doesnt really have to be more than one object yuo can select the faces alot to apply a material to them only

well it worked for me im not really sure what you were doing's the file

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File Type: mb problempencil.mb (53.3 KB, 280 views)

- TwEeK

Last edited by ^^TwEeK^^; 17-08-2003 at 08:45 AM.
# 5 17-08-2003 , 11:35 AM
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Yea, thats what he did, but He wants them to be separate objects (i think???)

It's Dr. Know, Not Darknow
# 6 17-08-2003 , 12:31 PM
^^TwEeK^^'s Avatar
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i think he just had problems selecting a certain part of the object...

- TwEeK
# 7 17-08-2003 , 01:26 PM
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I think ^^TwEeK^^ is right, there's no need for them to be separate faces (although each solution is valid) user added image


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# 8 17-08-2003 , 07:31 PM
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Yes thanks guys, I made it all out of 1 Poly cylinder so I could not understand why I could select the 'lead' and texture it no-problem - Yet when I tried the 'handle' or the 'wood' it always selected both?
To be honest I'm still unsure why, but as long as I can fix it, that will have to do for now...
Thanks drknow and TwEeK...

Polygon>Extract user added image
Cheers all Scraggy

# 9 18-08-2003 , 05:44 AM
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Just curiosity, why do you need to hook up the wood material (blinn) outColor into default material (lambert1).

Best regards?.

# 10 18-08-2003 , 06:08 AM
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I would recomend NOT doing that. You want to keep Lambert1 the default settings, as every new object you make has Lambert1 by default... so if you were to map its color with wood or whatever, every new object you make will be also.

# 11 18-08-2003 , 12:38 PM
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Must have been a mistake ? I didn't realise it was.....
I have thrown all my old models out and started again -
Doing things the 'proper' way (hopefully!) from now on...

Basically I am just learning things afresh after getting such helpful reply's to my posts, and I'm hoping my models will come out OK from now on...

The pencil was done after working 3 - 12Hr shifts finishing at 7.00pm and still messing about with it at aound 01:00AM (because i was so frustrated that it wouldn't work) so it's not surprising things were a tad askew - lol
I'm on my last shift now.... so hopefully I can get some of this
Mad scientist's lab done.... on my 4 days off......

Thanks for all the help, I can't wait to start modelling now i can do it better....

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