Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 1 01-10-2003 , 09:54 PM
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Posts: 46


just made a simple ghost. what do you think ? also that GI_Joe script is cool!! :bgreen:

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Last edited by Tork; 01-10-2003 at 10:01 PM.
# 2 01-10-2003 , 11:34 PM
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Cute ^_^

# 3 01-10-2003 , 11:44 PM
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I have a GI_joe script available to download, it's just that the instructions are hard to follow. Could some one write a easy tutorial on how to install?

# 4 02-10-2003 , 12:14 AM
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 46
Unzip the and copy the mel and the scene file (GIJoe.lights) into your script directory.
Copy the GIJoe_icon.bmp into the 'icons' directory of the install directory of Maya (i.e.: drive:\AW\extras\icons)

with notepad edit the mel script and search the string 'your_script_directory_path/GIJoe.lights' (located in line 57)
Replace the existing path by your own script path (ex: d:/Maya/scripts/GIJoe.lights) . notice how its / not \. so D:\ would be incorrect , D:/ would be right. the slashes that is.

- Start a Maya session, and open the script editor by going to Window / General Editors / Script Editor. Once script editor is open , goto file / open script. open up the GI_Joe mel script , once its open goto script / execute. Once you have done that , use the command box at the bottom of the screen and type GI_Joe

its case sensitive so GI_Joe

dont take my word for it though, im sure there is a easier way , but whenever i type source GI_Joe it doesnt work. im sure someone here should know why user added image

# 5 02-10-2003 , 05:02 AM
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Here is the first problem I ran into while following the instructions.

How do I find the icons directory? I can't even find the install directory of maya. You wrote down the same instructions from the site I downloaded the GI_Joe script from. The instructions are too hard for me to follow at this time, sorry.

I can't go any further on this until I get more info on it.

# 6 02-10-2003 , 05:04 AM
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I just source it each time I want to use it. I don't use it all that often, so that works for me.

# 7 02-10-2003 , 09:38 AM
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Source it? How do you source GI_Joe ? Don't you have to install it into Maya before you can use it?

# 8 02-10-2003 , 12:23 PM
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Window > General Editors > Script Editor.

File > Source Script

As long as all the files associated with the MEL are in the same directory, after you source it, just type GI_Joe; in the command line.

# 9 02-10-2003 , 12:52 PM
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I just type source GI_Joe.mel command line. or maybe without the .mel

I cant remember and it's not open to test. What a useless post this is :/

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# 10 02-10-2003 , 01:02 PM
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These handy instructions for GI Joe, which Icarus kindly wrote for me, worked well; perhaps they might help.

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