Beer glass scene creation
This course contains a little bit of everything with modeling, UVing, texturing and dynamics in Maya, as well as compositing multilayered EXR's in Photoshop.
# 1 06-10-2003 , 02:48 PM
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bios to plain english translation...

yep the bios talks to me...

turned on the pc... told it to move a folder... and saw my frist Blue Screen of Death on winXP... no prob let him restart i tought...
The bios then chekued the hard disk and said: "harddisk 549494: failiure inminent, backup all your data"...

what he means is: "your hardisk is REALLY screwed:did you made a backup? if not youre screwed too...user added image"

Not only it screws all your HD information, you have to cope with a funny bios... doh

anyone knows what software they use to retrieve information from really screwd HDs?

# 2 06-10-2003 , 03:57 PM
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btw the boot sector was blown with the big hdd, i disconnected it and changed the smaller hdd jumpers to make it master, and it has a windows copy, but the boot info is still in the screwed hdd, theres any way to make this windows start? or should i format and reinstall?

right now seagate is on nº1 of my "to kill" list...user added image

# 3 06-10-2003 , 04:13 PM
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How about using a boot disk perhaps? -if available that is-

# 4 06-10-2003 , 05:11 PM
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after my experiences with dead HD's the year, just get an RMA number and then curse the company that made the disk user added image

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# 5 06-10-2003 , 10:59 PM
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Hi dragonfx,

eh... I have just haved a kind of similar problem... somehow a partition of a new harddisk screwed up my boot thingie...

I don't know if you can solve your problem the same way... but try booting up from the WinXp CD-rom... and when you get the oppotunity select repair...

those the Windows installation you want to repair... write your password...

I can't exactly remember the commands... but try the help command, as I recall the 2 commands you need is something like "fix boot something" and "Fix MBR" (MBR = Master Boot Record)...

if that doesn't help... eh... I'm not quite sure what to do at the moment... but if you somehow can't get it to work, and you e.g. have to format or have lost your data... you can properly recover your data with this freeware data recovery software... "PC Inspector File Recovery"... -->



Alex V. U. Strarup

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# 6 06-10-2003 , 11:27 PM
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I fix computers at my school all the time. Most often, nothing wrong with the drive, its the BIOS. Check that out in great detail first, before deleting anything!!!

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# 7 07-10-2003 , 11:09 AM
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it was the drive, the ****ing bastard decided to scratch itself for some reason, i downloaded seagate´s tool for disk repair... it has taken its time (23 hrs), and has deleted half the info putting the sectos as "bad"... im watching what can i salvage right now... not much as the damage was pretty random... when i finish ill partition it again and ill go to the shop to tell em to stick it up his arse (the hdd had just 3 months) and give me another brand new one... lets hpe that the new one isnt as crappy, i tought seagae had a reputation... (in fact the small one is a seagate and has 3 years of service without ever screwing up)

i will put a tool i saw that constantly monitors the SMART parameters (they should have called em idiot parameters) and on free processor time analizes em to tell you when the hhd is going to go to hell...

and im considering buying a DVD recorder to make backups... just when they drop to 100€ (right now they are at 150€ so in three months, i expect the new hdd to last until then...)

tnx starup for the link ill check it out, if only to have it for anther time

# 8 07-10-2003 , 01:12 PM
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sorry about that dragon man. I recently backed up all my stuff on 40 CD's :-O Seemed like 400
My advice- definetely get a DVD burner. Backing on CD is not worth it specially when you have lot of data.
I burn my projects as soon as they are finished. Plus while I am working on them I keep making a temporary back up on CD.

Talking about backing I should back my project now user added image

# 9 07-10-2003 , 08:32 PM
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so while my blood is boiling while i try to transfer at ludicrously slow speeds the rare files that survived the accident... i tough ill update my icon... (and im using photoshop on a pc even worse than yours adl...) is a shame it cant be bigger, its a cartoony predator called cambotero, hes really fun but the details cant be seen so small...

# 10 07-10-2003 , 08:43 PM
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not that i did it, its from a comic,just a litle bit of retouching... thres also a parody comic of aliens called "arbillos" they would be easyer to model than the xenodude, do you want to look em?

# 11 07-10-2003 , 09:38 PM
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Hey that sounds good buddy.
Do you have a link?

Cool avatar mate user added image

# 12 07-10-2003 , 11:11 PM
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Did you ever open the drive up? Even a smoke particle is small enough to get inbetween the head and the disk. WOW huu? Were you hitting your comp, or desk, or banging on floor??

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# 13 08-10-2003 , 10:09 AM
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are you trying to mean i wasnt supposed to pick a metal brush and polish the rotating surfaces? and using it as a trowed weapon was wrong also? maybe it was dancing over it...or maybe when i set it on fire while watching zykotic´s videos, probably was when it got shot... and sure that sticking it up the frist seagate´s employee arse i see wont help...

"to kill" list revision:
1 Seagate
2 Ultragames
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# 14 08-10-2003 , 10:33 AM
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esta es la pinta de un arbillo

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