Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 76 15-09-2003 , 04:37 PM
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It doesn't say 'dragon' to me when I look at it really, but might just be me.

The head looks a bit dog like - if you are going for a cartoonish dragon look perhaps work on lifting the forehead and elongating the snout a tad, it doesn't look very lizard like. I think the dog like nose makes it look less like a dragon than anything, perhaps look at some source pics. Nice ears but you copuld make them more of a feature by making them bigger.

Perhaps make the neck a bit longer. It might need a tail. The forelegs look a little long (only going on dragons I have seen in books as I suppose there is no such thing as a 'realistic' dragon), again adding to the 'flying dog' feel.

Spyro does have longer forelegs but I have always thought the body on that character looked more like a gryphon than a dragon anyway.

In either case sorting out the head and neck would make the dragon feel come through a bit more.

You might want to work on the weight of the back legs and give them more muscle. The body looks a bit thick and heavy. Nice wings and the back feet look good, if a tad small.

I think you should start your own thread as this one is meant to be for comments about Silvia's dragon after all (on which those textures are looking really nice btw).

# 77 16-09-2003 , 12:45 AM
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I'll start a separate thread next time I have an update.

I didn't want it to be too cartoony, though, and he does have a tail (although it isn't really visible at that angle, a wing is in the way)

As for the front legs, I didn't want the back legs to be much longer than the front as the rump would be higher when he's on all fours, however, if you really think it's necessary then I can fix that.

As for the head, I made the snout small like this intentionally as it's harder to get good facial expressions out of him if he had a longer snout. Lifting the forhead sounds good though.

This is a closeup of the face. Absolutely no changes have been made to the model since that last post. (like I said, I'll start a separate thread when I have updates)

Oh, yeah, and he won't have an orange toungue. Just a placeholder. But you knew that.

[edit]I just took a look at that spyro image you linked. It looks like the front legs are much longer than the back. Is that what you meant? Make the back legs shorter?

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Last edited by 1001 Jedi Nights; 16-09-2003 at 12:53 AM.
# 78 16-09-2003 , 01:16 AM
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I meant the front legs needed to be shorter on a dragon, only in my view, as I think that Spyro one has the proportions of a gryphon more than a dragon and I didn't think you were making him. I wasn't suggesting being cartoony, just more dragon like. I still think the head is a bit dog like even from that angle. It might be the width as well as the stumpiness. I didn't notice the tail, perhaps it needs to be a tad longer. Perhaps have a look at some pictures of dragons or something.

# 79 16-09-2003 , 03:22 AM
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To be quite honest, I never looked for a pic of spyro for this project.

I searched google for pics of dragons, to get some ideas for the proportions. Most dragons that walk on two legs have small, scrawny arms. Four legged dragons, (not all but most) have all four legs (at least close to) the same length. The few that didn't did look much better though.

Note that I didn't find many good pics, as most were just head shots. The observation above is based on less then a dozen pics.

So, what do you suggest? should he lean forward, have the legs attached lower, or perhaps a combination of the two?

btw, I appreciate your help.

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# 80 16-09-2003 , 06:34 PM
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Actually 1001 Jedi Nights, I think it would me much easier for you to get the feedback you need if you started a new thread...

# 81 13-10-2003 , 12:17 AM
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I have had any kind of possible problem texturing this sucker...
But I think i finally found the solution for what was driving me nuts. It sure was a good exercise in UV layout since I must have laid out those UVs a million times... Well here is how it is going.

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# 82 13-10-2003 , 02:03 AM
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Your improving at a fast rate... Dont worry about the uv's its a art form on its own.. its just takes a lot of time and practise.

great work

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# 83 26-10-2003 , 11:19 PM
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I am going a bit slow with this thing, I realize, but I have started a project for my Computer Animation Certificate, and I am multitasking like crazy right now. I think I have worked out the UVs, I am quite pleased of the texturing right now, I think I have managed to avoid obvious texture deformation, although it did take quite a bit... user added image
Well here is the result so far.

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# 84 27-10-2003 , 03:24 AM
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how do yall do this

i just wanna know how the hell yall do that?
i just started with maya5 unlimited and i can do much of nothing
does any1 have any good tutorials that they can send

# 85 27-10-2003 , 04:19 AM
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I am much of a beginner myself, that's why it's taking me months to do it. If there is any specific thing you would want to know about this model, I would be more than happy to describe what I did. In this particular case I didn't follow any tutorial, just worked on it all by myself.
Glad to read your comment!

# 86 27-10-2003 , 05:39 AM
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Don't misunderstand me, that is some excellant texturing work there... for a snake or lizard.

It's not because it's green. In fact, I actually like the green color you have going on there, it's the slimy look that kind of ruins it for me. Unless he just climbed out of a lake, I think you should adjust that.

Just my opinion though, if this is the look you wanted then you did a fantastic job.

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# 87 27-10-2003 , 06:46 AM
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I know, I realize the "wet" look is more apt to a frog than a reptile... I have been very dibated on leaving the wet look on or not. I appreciate very much opinions on the matter.

# 88 27-10-2003 , 01:37 PM
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yeah the wet look doesnt work for me either, and the outline of the dragon is too uniform (very smooth and consistent). Also the backend skin is way too smooth, to the point that it almost looks like marble. maybe some more time on the bump/displacement (which would be a very good idea) is in order. take a look at: that should give you some great ideas for texturing user added image

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# 89 28-10-2003 , 06:03 AM
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hey this has come along way. it has really improved alot. what i still notice though is the face, it looks like a dragon, but it keeps reminding me of a crocodile. I think maybe because of the bottom jaw. but i dont know, maybe some dragons really look like that. but overall i think you did a pretty good job.

about the white dots though: what is that? im assuming maybe those are from the bump maps?

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# 90 28-10-2003 , 06:23 AM
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the face looks like a croc because guess what? I used a reference croc photo to model it... user added image Sorry I had no dragon photos to rely on... I had to go for common reptilian photographs. I have a soft spot for crocs, I absolutely love them which is why I ended up using one for reference.

Thank you very much for the feedback! I agree that the back looks very smooth. Just now I have applied a very trivial Maya leather bump map. I may have to adjust it, because as you can see in the closeup of the head and neck, it looks pretty good there, but then, for some reason, the back looks very smooth. What I notice is that the texture is more noticeable where the color is lighter. I may have to come up with some trick for that.

The white dots are the result of a very high cosine power in the phong material I used. It makes it look slimy, which I tend to agree isn't the best choice of material for the skin.

Thank you again for the feedback folks, it's much needed and appreciated.

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