This course will look at the fundamentals of rendering in Arnold. We'll go through the different light types available, cameras, shaders, Arnold's render settings and finally how to split an image into render passes (AOV's), before we then reassemble it i
I thought I better have a go at using Image planes, and since I got a nice car recently - thought it would do for the subject matter. - I tried a few tutorials, but always seemed to come unstuck somehow... So am trying an 'amalgamation' of them, In fact am doing two cars - one with Poly's and the other I am doing my best to use Nurbs curves.
As usual any helpful comments etc will be greatly appreciated.
I have been wondering how to sort the wheel arches out?
Am I doing it correctly so far (The Poly one) it's sort of 'guesswork' really - I will look for some tutorials tonight, to guide me a bit more.
Regards Scraggy
Sorry - not much to show on the Nurbs one, I will have to re-find the tutorial I was looking at to get any further.
Have had problems with my Taga files not using the alpha channel, If you know what I mean then you are probably using PShop 7.0. Have tried various workarounds and sadly none seem to work so far.
Also the Images I used were kinda blurry and small, and I did not have them aligned correctly so I started again.
Am using Mike's tut now - just to get a move on, with a different model, a Viper (Hmm nice car!)
One thing that I did find out was that if you move the "Specular Colour" slider down - It makes the image a lot darker -( better contrast) so that has made life easier.
But am sorta stuck at the moment.. So I may try drawing the curves like i did on the last one so I have two models in parallel ... One Nurbs one Poly's
while I (someone) works out what the problem is. Oh well...
:o Scraggy
Last edited by Scraggy_dog; 26-11-2003 at 11:38 PM.
Hmm - I am trying to follow a tutorial thar shows me how to make the background of the car "Invisible" so as to make Modelling easier.
At the moment I am new to this so - when I get stuck on say, making an Alpha channel ?
I need to work out why. So next time I know how.
Seems to be a Photoshop 7 issue - I have just heard that it's ok on 7.01, so will see what I ca do when I get home from work.
Fingers crossed
Last edited by Scraggy_dog; 27-11-2003 at 03:48 PM.
Ok - Am back on the car - have done the back bit and then added to layer to get on with the back canopy.
- I have made 2 curves out of C.V. ponts and positioned - Please can someone tell me how to extrude a shape out of this ..... (Hope you can see the curves on the .jpg)....
you could maybe try duplicating it, moving the duplicate to the other side of the car, and then lofting the two but i can't imagine that it would make things easier on you when you form the rest of the car... then again i'm not much of a nurbs modeler so maybe it would work out for you to do that and then stitch it to the body... in my humble opinion i would say maybe start with the body and try to pull that back canopy out of the body when you have some form put together. start big and add details once you have the general form down....
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