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# 1 08-12-2003 , 07:24 AM
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Games and motion sickness

Just wondering if there's anyone else here who suffers motion sickness playing first person shooters? It drives me crazy as i want to play some of them badly. I've had problems going back all the way to playing doom, duke nukem 3d, alien v predator. Max payne made me seriously ill. I thought maybe things would be better and read a thread on here about how great Call of duty was and it was on sale today so i thought i'd give it a go. I lasted 15 mins before getting so ill i had to lay down. Now it's a xmas present for my brother in law. It looked like a real cool game, just wish i could play it, i'll have to pass on bf1942 now as well, was going to buy that this week.

# 2 08-12-2003 , 08:10 AM
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Make sure the room your in is nice and brightly lit. Get AT LEAST and arm length away from your moniter. Maybe more. The point of it is to make it so your moniter takes up less that 1/9 of your vision. (thats 1/3 horizontaly and 1/3 verticaly)

Some cheap over the counter motion sickness pills might do it. But try the above first.

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# 3 08-12-2003 , 08:58 AM
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It sounds weird but it helps if your in a non stable chair. Like something that swivles or with wheels. Just moving slightly seems to reinstate your reality that your not moving even though in the game you are. Kinda keeping movement in real life seperate from the game. So if you sit there only moving your fingers and eyes... it tends to effect you more strongly in my experience. I had that problem a little with all my racing games i play.

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# 4 08-12-2003 , 09:28 AM
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yes me!

sometimes I feel really ill almost like im going to have a fit, although Im not sure what a fit feels like.... but I have learn that some games effect more then others and I have no idea

but I played COD for 2 hrs at a time and felt ok but some I play for 10 mins and have to lay down... to overcome to main problem I purchased a screen glare thing and this really helped

# 5 08-12-2003 , 01:01 PM
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a coworker of mine does. He just doesn't play them. Too bad.

# 6 08-12-2003 , 05:20 PM
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I do also. If I play anything like that In about 10 min I fell nautious and get a severe headache. I havent played a single video game in 10 years now because of it. I was told buy an eye doctor that it is normal that a lot of people suffer from this. I think they need to rethink the way the enviroment can zoom and pan around.

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# 7 08-12-2003 , 05:22 PM
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It's all very interesting. I have no problems with racing games, can play for hours with no problem. Same with flight sims, combat flight simulator. It's only first person shooters. I sit about one and half arms lenghts away from my screen, can't get closer anyway, to my lcd screen. I was using crt previously with the same problem. I do tend to sit motionless but my chair does swivel on wheels so i'll have to try moving some when i play. I'll give it one more go. I'll try the screen glare idea as well if this doesn't work. Thanks guys.

# 8 08-12-2003 , 05:23 PM
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The problem is in real life you dont move as they do in the game, you have more awareness of your suroundings in real life because of your other senses. In a game your scenses are limited by the program, so all you have is limited visual and selective sound. And in real life your peripheral vision adjusts to the surrounding for when your turning, to slowly bring things into focus for you. In the games its automatically in focus even though your staring straigh ahead, causing a disalusion of where you are. In your perception your looking straight ahead. But your brain cant tell which area your trying to focus on.

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# 9 08-12-2003 , 08:07 PM
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I do but only until I get adjusted to it. You might want to try adjusting the FOV (Field Of Vision). That seemed to have helped me. Some games start out with an obscure FOV, like AvP where the ALIEN has a funky FOV, almost like tunnel vision. Set it to that more of the backgorund fills the monitor (like around 100 - 120). Other than that, you can try playing it with your eyes closed. That'll work too. user added image

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# 10 09-12-2003 , 05:37 AM
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Actually i heard of someone playing with one eye closed, said it helped. I played 30 minutes tonight, didn't feel too bad, not perfect but i can cope with that. Got as far from the screen as i could, about 2 arms lenghts and kept moving around physically. I must have looked a little mad but that's ok.

# 11 09-12-2003 , 08:35 AM
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try playing with both eyes closed user added image

# 12 09-12-2003 , 09:40 AM
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if you win the game with playing both eyes closed... you have some serious skill. *claps*

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# 13 09-12-2003 , 12:28 PM
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Well I will always win with eyes closed.

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