Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 1 09-01-2004 , 04:54 PM
victstep's Avatar
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What is your opinion: best way to photorealistic characters modeling?

Hi everyone!

I would like to ask one question…
What is the best way to photorealistic human (face, body) and characters modeling (nurbs or poly)?

There are many different character modeling tutorials (and opinions) in the internet, and I am not talking about tutorials, I am asking about your opinion: what is the best?


my poly head example:

Attached Thumbnails
# 2 09-01-2004 , 05:04 PM
Kurt's Avatar
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Texture maps on a Poly model with a nice clean uv map are the best way for me to get nice results.

I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination, knowledge is limited, imagination encircles the world. (Albert Einstein)
# 3 09-01-2004 , 05:53 PM
vladimirjp's Avatar
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nurbs multipatch,
unlike polys, their uvs are always 1-1
plus nurbs just look better and deform better when done well.
but nurbs multi patch modeling is way more difficult than poly

# 4 09-01-2004 , 08:27 PM
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like anything, you'll find people of varying opinions regarding something like this. I, for example, disagree with vlad. user added image

Truthfully, it's just a matter of practice and having some good reference.

Looks like you've got a nice start there. Not necessarily realistic, but there's nothing wrong with a little stylization. user added image

# 5 10-01-2004 , 01:14 AM
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Most of the photo real heads that I have seen lately have bean poly or subD's.

My vote is for poly, when you place your quads how a good nurbs patch model would be it deforms just the same. Now days there is more of a expectation to go farther with the face expressions. Nurbs start to look limiting in there strict adherence to how they have to be patched together.

after a point the geo is mutt. It's a great thing to have a realistic face as fare as proportions.. but its only half the story.
Textures and shaders are what is the really tricky part nowadays..

I would keep going like you are. and pour some energies in to getting a skin like shader going.

It looks like your getting a start on the shaders also.. your using something like a velvet shader on it.. to fake a little of the subsurface scattering that happens in human skin. Cool start.

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