Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 136 15-01-2012 , 10:14 AM
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Thanks Chavfisher sorry for not replying sooner, UVed the main tank will go around the tank to see were I need more UV space for texturing as I still have some large gaps to fill............dave

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# 137 15-01-2012 , 11:47 AM
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Whhoooaaaaa thats some serious UV mate...bloody hell


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# 138 15-01-2012 , 06:06 PM
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layout looks good dave. Good job!

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# 139 15-01-2012 , 07:07 PM
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Thanks Bullet, Rick
I trying to spread out the UV so as to use as much space as possible..............dave

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# 140 16-01-2012 , 07:27 AM
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so, are you only going to use one texture for the whole model?

# 141 16-01-2012 , 07:46 AM
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Now Im going to ask this I have just had the top 4 front teeth ripped out by the vet...Im in pain...and need to get this through my head...why dave...havent you split the UV's for the model into parts? I ask this, as my Defiant wont be as dense, but not far off of it.....and the resolution for bumps etc will be difficult, even for shading etc. If you had something...say as dense a model as the Bismark or the hell would you do it?? dom?? maybe you could enlighten me as well as dave? This has puzzled me for have all that info in the working quadrant...seems wierd to me and you lose quality in the ability to paint all these bits

cheers bullet


"A Darkness at Sethanon", a book I aspire to model some of the charcters and scenes
# 142 16-01-2012 , 09:20 AM
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Bullet I have worked on this so much that I know what most of the uvs are for so did not think it would need splitting up.
There will about 9 texture, 1 as you see for the main tank size 8192 x 8192, 1 for the light lens size 512 and 7 for the track size 512. Any thing wrong with that Dom. Just doing some testing a the moment to see how the rez stands up. I might want to do a displacement but only on a few items would it make sence to do them on a smaller texture on there own................dave

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# 143 16-01-2012 , 01:48 PM
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Fair call dave...the main reason I asked...if you had something like the Bismark....having all those parts in the UV window....would it not be difficult to paint in know for blemishes, scuffs, rust etc??? maybe dom has something on it

cheers bullet


"A Darkness at Sethanon", a book I aspire to model some of the charcters and scenes
# 144 16-01-2012 , 04:06 PM
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Holy Moly! That's hell of a UV unwrap you have there Dave.
Looking forward to see it textured!

# 145 16-01-2012 , 05:58 PM
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I would normally UV according to material, so that all dull metal parts would share one space, all green metal one space, all plastic one space etc so that you'll have one diffuse/spec/bump per material,

If you decided to do that way (not saying you should) it would just be a matter of moving them around, all the hard work is done user added image



# 146 16-01-2012 , 06:58 PM
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exactly... if you are doing different materials why do you need to squeeze everything into 0-1 UV space? your 8k texture is now only using half the size. if you are doing a separate material for the main body of the tank you can scale up the shells to fill the space and then utilise the whole texture resolution.

# 147 16-01-2012 , 09:24 PM
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Thanks Guys
gubar I did use your tip of combining parts to help UV witch it did. Most of this is one colour green but there are the tools and the little straps but the main reason I think I have to change it is the bump map as the hull, buggie holder and turret are cast metal. gubar you are talking about just moving the parts in UV space so there are grouped together and Dom is saying use different shader I think but witch one to use?..............dave

Edit:This is the first time I have textured any thing this complex so any help is welcomeuser added image

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Last edited by daverave; 16-01-2012 at 09:31 PM.
# 148 16-01-2012 , 09:59 PM
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hi Dave, no we're talking about the same thing, 1 u v space per material. So dull metal equals one shader and one space. Cheers

# 149 16-01-2012 , 10:45 PM
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Thanks for clearing that up gubar, I have not done the changes yet was testing baking out a occlusion texture the idea is to use it as a layer mask in photoshop for the dirt has any one done that...........dave

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# 150 17-01-2012 , 06:40 AM
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yeah its a good technique. user added image

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