Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 271 08-05-2004 , 09:40 PM
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Haha. Lol. Yeah. I was thinking about that. user added image

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# 272 08-05-2004 , 10:11 PM
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ugfh guys have no ideauser added image

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# 273 08-05-2004 , 10:13 PM
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you make me feel better though will your nice comments ..
I'll post a still of how she'l be posed ..the hair I will have to do some cheasy stuff for now coz we couldnt do it nicely in shave

Alpha Gamma Sygma.
# 274 09-05-2004 , 05:12 PM
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# 275 09-05-2004 , 10:54 PM
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thankx peltra ....!!

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# 276 10-05-2004 , 12:18 AM
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made the head smaller...

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Alpha Gamma Sygma.
# 277 10-05-2004 , 01:03 AM
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It looks MUCH better anita! Keep up the great work!! user added image You really do deserve that "A!" user added image All of the proportions look perfect now!Wish my self-portrait model could look as good as your Jolie model does...but mine is just a head right now! I hope to over the summer do a complete video game character of myself. I will post the concept drawing when I can access a scanner...but keep up GREAT work anita! user added image

~CGPMaya84 (also DragonTU84 from SimplyPhotoshop and CPAnimate84 from SimplyMax)
# 278 10-05-2004 , 01:06 AM
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thankx CGP do you have anything posted here?
an A !! I wish ..the problem is that its not a modeling class am supposed to have some kind of animation..and believe me I'm so lowsy at it .just the thought of it is making me I wish I modeled a mouse..user added image

Alpha Gamma Sygma.
# 279 10-05-2004 , 01:14 AM
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Yeah it has been posted for awhile now. It is a little further down under the WIP forum called "My Self Portrait Head-Although Not Maya," or something like It is only my third model I will actually complete though (aside from the one or two attempts that did not turn out right). Still having problems with the area around the eyes though...and it's driving me nuts!!! user added image I tried smoothing it a billion times and also deleting and rebuilding the vertices...but it did not exactly seem to "agree" with me, since after I rebuilt them and tried smoothing the area, there were a lot of holes around the vertices. user added image So...I just left them for now, and I am trying to touch up other areas until I can figure something out.... Also, good luck on making the animation! Luckily my class only had a total of 3 projects....I am afraid I will not have time to texture it though!!! I hope he does not take off for it. *gulps* But good luck girl! user added image Hope you do well!

~CGPMaya84 (also DragonTU84 from SimplyPhotoshop and CPAnimate84 from SimplyMax)
# 280 10-05-2004 , 01:51 AM
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the area around the eyes?? you did it in polys??

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# 281 10-05-2004 , 02:11 AM
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I did it originally in NURBS by lofting NURBS curves and then just editting and moving LOTS of control points to get the shape I wanted, but later I converted it to POLYS since I am working in between about 3 different programs for it, and some programs are better at using POLYS than NURBS. The hair is still NURBS though...just everything else (aside from the ear) was converted from Polys to NURBS...except the ear is not mine, I must admit! I just barely adjusted the ears to look more like mine, but just barely, since the ear was the shape of mine already. I got it from TurboSquid. My teacher knows I did and was OK with it. user added image He was going to give me an entire head model to work from since he though I could not complete a model in time...but I proved him wrong! Hehe! user added image The head is mine of course though. After the class is over I will try modeling my own ear for it, so that way it can be entirely mine. I don't want to take full-credit for it when it is not all my know? I also love the challenge anyway! user added image

~CGPMaya84 (also DragonTU84 from SimplyPhotoshop and CPAnimate84 from SimplyMax)
# 282 10-05-2004 , 09:51 PM
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thankx peltra ....!!

Your welcome Anita.

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# 283 10-06-2004 , 09:07 PM
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Which University do you go to?

Hey Anita,

Just wondering which university do you study 3D and if your college have up to date equipments? I am looking for a graduate school to go to by 2005.
If you know any other schools that offers such 3d and 2d programs, please let me know.


# 284 10-06-2004 , 09:22 PM
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Ah this thread is going again, coool!!!

What happened with this project Anita?? I hope you haven't quit.


# 285 10-06-2004 , 11:03 PM
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An animation project. Ouch. You shot yourself in the foot on that one. KISS (Keap it simple stupid). I am not calling you stupid, this is a saying my 2D animation teacher keaps saying. He is really concerned about the motion. If you moved a stick figure well enough and with characture he would give it a bettter grade than a stiff dragon all colored with shadows. Believe me, I was the one that busted my a$$ on the dragon and the stick figure was literally just that. He earned a 100 and I got a 91. I learned and I got a 100 on the rest of the pojects. Not to mention I took a quarter the time on them. I know how you feel though. I was a bit pissed.

Well, your model is looking very good. One more side note is that the point of a demo is to show your stengths. The grades you get do not matter. This is an awsome demo reel piece. You know you do not like animation. In the long run this will help you get a job and the other probably would not have.

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