Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 2
This course will look in the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. It's aimed at people that have some modeling experience in Maya but are having trouble with complex objects.
# 16 15-10-2002 , 08:58 AM
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Ahh.. And the rotating was easy, too: I selected all letters, moved them to the top in the ring and moved their pivots to the center, and then I typed in the mel-command-line at the bottom with the x-th letter selected "rotate 0 0 ((x-1)*(-9,23076923076923076923076923076923));"...

That would probably better fit in the section "How did I"...

# 17 15-10-2002 , 12:36 PM
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sum SIC moddelin man
how long u been @ maya ?

# 18 15-10-2002 , 01:18 PM
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Thank youuser added image. I am "working" with Maya for a half year now, I think. But I haven't done anything with Maya for a long time.

Here's an update: I've added some detail (invisible at some distanceuser added image) and the wormholesurface. But there's still a problem with it, well, there are in fact many problemsuser added image, but why does the wave-deformer only deform the surface forward, but doesn't move any vert backwards? In the perp.view it looks completely different, and everything is fine, but when I render the scene, It looks as if it would only deform the surface after the sine-curve FORWARD, not backwards. Why??? There's no other surface in the scene, I think, which intersects with the surface?

Thanx for any help and comments!


# 19 15-10-2002 , 01:23 PM
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# 20 15-10-2002 , 01:25 PM
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Here's the wavedeformer in the perspective view. What's wrong with it? Perhaps it is because of the green line I have marked with the red arrow? In the rendered picture it seems as if nothing was deformed in front of that line...

# 21 15-10-2002 , 01:36 PM
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i just gave it a little go, i works fine for me, perhaps you made 2 surfaces by mistake and applied the deformer to just one surface

# 22 15-10-2002 , 01:40 PM
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Well, but if there was another surface one should see it in the perspective view? But there everything lloks fine?. Perhaps I'll just redo the surface, as it wasn't that much work. Probably there's really just a stupid mistake?

BTW: Any suggestions on the SHADER? Does anyone know where to find a good-looking "Naquada"-shader?



# 23 15-10-2002 , 01:49 PM
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i would check ighend3d .com for some shaders, im sure they have a liquid type one

also, if that is a nurbs surface, which it looks like. before you render, you should go to the Set NURBs Tesselation options in the render menu and change it from medium to highest, it gives MUCH better render quality of NURBs surfaces

# 24 15-10-2002 , 01:56 PM
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Actually the wormholesurface is is a poly-surface. But I'll change that, I just didn't know how to create a circular nurbsurface. But I gues I only have to planarsurface a nurbscircle, righ?
I hope the deformers will work on nurb-surfaces, too...

# 25 15-10-2002 , 02:00 PM
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that could have been your problem

a low-poly surface could easily leave artifacts like the one you just had

# 26 16-10-2002 , 12:42 PM
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Ok, now I used a nurbs-circle to planar-surface a trimmed nurbs-surface and rebuilt it with 20*20 SubDivs. But when I tried to assign the wave-deformer, the surface didn't deform after the wave-line(see picture) user added image user added image user added image
What's wrong with the surface?
(BTW:When I rebuilt the trimmed surface with 80*80 Subdivs, Maya crashed...)

But finaly, I recognized that this wave-effect wouldn't fit anyway. So I though about using the sculpt-surface tool. But how do I map a shader? I can only browse in the map-section for images... Can I convert a wave-2d-texture from Maya to a jpg-file?

Thanx for any help!


# 27 16-10-2002 , 04:07 PM
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looking good brother!!. keep it up.

# 28 16-10-2002 , 05:49 PM
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Thank you, although that wasn't the answer I was looking for at the momentuser added image ... Thanx anyways!
I am still wondering, why my nurns-surface doesn't deform properly and how I can convert a shader (the wave-texture) to a jpg-file...user added image

Here's a small update:

Last edited by Markuz; 16-10-2002 at 05:52 PM.
# 29 16-10-2002 , 09:19 PM
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no idea. ha ha ha. just like the project

# 30 17-10-2002 , 03:37 PM
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Ok, another question: How can I rotate an object around the origin with the pivot-point left at another point. In this case: How to rotate the part of the stargate-iris around the origin with the pivot-point left above the origin so that the next Iris-part looks like the yellow painted in the picture here (preferably: How to do the transform-duplicate-tool make that work for me?):

And: Every time I attach a material to the particles (marked with the blue arrow) I am unable to see them in the rendered image. I know it was something easy to do, but I can't remember anymore! Please helpuser added image..

Thank for any Help!!!

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