Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 16 20-08-2005 , 08:56 PM
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Okay cool but I'm going in the Game Industry in just about 3-4 years and I'm supose to be the Lead Modeler of our dev team so I really want to get good in Modeling Characters most importantly. I'm not willing to pay for books or DVDs for all the money I put to get Maya 6 unlimited from a guy that never opened his package... he charged me 2000 canadian for it... My dad bought it for me as my Christmas and Birthday present and I payed 150$ on it so I really want to get really good for what I ..we (my dad) paid for it.. I consider myself a really quick learning in this type of thing.. I'm too shy to show what I've done so far tho but I will in time. My question is.. can I become a really good Modeler in 3 years if I learn as quick as I say I do?... How long as most of you used Maya... I swear since my dad bought it I nenver got off but I sorta felt bad when I saw those noob competition pics... really nice!.. but I shouldn't like that get to me.

Co-Creator of Infernus Creations formerly known as Elite Unit 5.
# 17 20-08-2005 , 10:04 PM
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you're going to be the lead modeller of your dev team and you dont know how to model..... emmm user added image why do you have it all planned out so much? there's more to maya than modelling. with 3 years experience you will be more than competent in maya, possibly modelling too. dont pressure yourself too much just enjoy learning the program!! user added image

user added image

Ps. Dont be shy to show your stuff. unbiased Crits are the only way to get better and improve.

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# 18 21-08-2005 , 05:42 PM
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yeah man, you wanna chillax a bit, slow down, take it eeeeeasy!

you're 16 and already have plans to become a lead modeller in 3 years?!?! just get some modelling tutorials, i;d recommend the free cartoon dog tutorial to get started

# 19 22-08-2005 , 02:38 AM
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Yea, I'm taking it easier now and I'm so happy I finally found myself a good site for some beginner tutorials!. I downloaded the free tutorial to get the Dragonhead thing started, It pisses me of that the next part is in the VIP section... I just dont get that. I might just buy myself one of those DVDs one of these days user added image .

Co-Creator of Infernus Creations formerly known as Elite Unit 5.
# 20 22-08-2005 , 09:59 PM
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Originally posted by ShaoJin
I'll post some stuff soon but I dont even know all the basics yet. I'm in serious need of Character making/modeling tutorials and other tutorials for Dynamics, Rendering and stuff.

Try the tutorials and DVD's here.

This tutorial works like a gem for most beginners: Hobbit Guy

Yeah, but no but yeah but no....
# 21 22-08-2005 , 11:22 PM
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Well Hi there, newbie!
I'm a newbie too, I've been around Maya for 3 months (discluding the summer vacation where the only computer I touched had 16 mb ram pentium 1) now, but I'm one of the crappier newbies too. I learn at half the speed of smell. And for your information, I'm 13.
Anyways, ShaoJin, welcome to the site, and enjoy your stay, and learn bunches to become the modeler... guy... person... thing... dude...

I don't like making characters, espacially for games so PLEEEEASE don't ask me for advice

Cheers, user added image
,Matt user added image

# 22 25-08-2005 , 06:49 AM
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Hi, welcome to the site...

I´m 23, started with Maya about a year ago, and I´m definetely still a noob, but then I have been pretty busy with other stuff, so it´s far from every day that I get to use Maya.

Buying some of the tutorials off this site is one of the best things you can do, that and just playing around (well it works for me anyway) to get a feel of the program.

Lead Modeller in 3 years eh? Good luck, and I really mean that. You are ambitious, I´ll give you that. Which is not a bad thing.

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# 23 25-08-2005 , 08:25 PM
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About that 3 years thing... I think I actually have 4-5 years.

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# 24 25-08-2005 , 08:35 PM
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Why do you have 4 or 5 years? You dieing or somthing.

To think even when you get good enough to get a job in the industery (and the standard is quite high, i mean, why should they hire you over the 100+ other people?) your not gonna jump into a lead anything job straight away. No matter how good your work is, to be a leader you need experiance.

Also, as many people here will tell you, you might not get the job straight away. Sometimes the job hunt itself takes years.

Yeah, but no but yeah but no....

Last edited by doodle; 25-08-2005 at 08:39 PM.
# 25 27-08-2005 , 07:03 PM
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The thing is... me and 7 other of my friends.. some are already in College are already starting to invest to make our own dev team!... I've got Sec 4, Sec 5, 1 year of working, 1 year in College and the last stop is Campus Ubisoft. This is approx. 5 years of investing and learning 3D/Programming for me and my friends/partners. This isn't just some stupid thing that I just felt like doing.. I even took a test from the "Conseillere en Orientation" at my school I already have most of the requirements to go to Campus Ubisoft...

PS: I feel like the price for Maya is pressuring me a little.. I dont know if some of you understand.

Co-Creator of Infernus Creations formerly known as Elite Unit 5.

Last edited by ShaoJin; 27-08-2005 at 07:18 PM.
# 26 27-08-2005 , 09:32 PM
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Originally posted by ShaoJin
The thing is... me and 7 other of my friends.. some are already in College are already starting to invest to make our own dev team!... I've got Sec 4, Sec 5, 1 year of working, 1 year in College and the last stop is Campus Ubisoft. This is approx. 5 years of investing and learning 3D/Programming for me and my friends/partners. This isn't just some stupid thing that I just felt like doing.. I even took a test from the "Conseillere en Orientation" at my school I already have most of the requirements to go to Campus Ubisoft...

PS: I feel like the price for Maya is pressuring me a little.. I dont know if some of you understand.

Cool. I hope it works out for ya. user added image

Remember though; when you rush things the results will probably be mediocre. If you aiming for high quality professional-like work then it might be quite hard for a group of college grads to achieve, especially as you wouldn’t have had that much, if any, professional production experience.

Just what do you aim to be producing… film, games?

Yeah, but no but yeah but no....
# 27 28-08-2005 , 04:25 PM
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We want to make Video Games and dont worry, we never rush threw things and I'm aware that I can learn lots in 5 years.. so I less worried now. If we ever rush threw things, it's when there is a short timeline between the beginning and the deadline.

PS: Once I arrive to Ubisoft Campus I'll already have approx. 4 years of experience ahead from the other students... and as I am writing this I am wondering if I should even go to Campus Ubisoft.. I mean in 4 years will it be worth the price to go there if I have the knowledge I should have in 4 years...hmmm.. We'll see then.

Co-Creator of Infernus Creations formerly known as Elite Unit 5.

Last edited by ShaoJin; 28-08-2005 at 04:30 PM.
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