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# 16 12-09-2005 , 04:30 AM
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Thank you Mike! I'm really enjoying your book.

Thanks Samurai Jack!

Jay, thank you , and behave yourself!

tick135 I very much like how your entry is coming along!

Little update:

I should be posting a feather fillied update late tomorrow



# 17 12-09-2005 , 08:34 AM
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Very impressive to see the purity of your modeling. Just a question: How do you make this render with the wireframe over? I sought a little on Internet and I only found plugins from Provide3D but I didn't test the demo version yet

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Last edited by kiveun; 12-09-2005 at 09:55 AM.
# 18 12-09-2005 , 03:27 PM
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Very impressive

I liked your model very much. It's one of most funny I've ever seen. I can't wait to see your work finished. Congrats, man.user added image

# 19 12-09-2005 , 05:29 PM
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you have imagination!! your model is beautiful and very clean indeed. i would really love to see some close-ups of the key areas like, the head and the beak; the arm pit (or wing-pit ?? ), the start of the leg...
keep posting...
and also, some links to your previous works, maybe? would love to check out.

Last edited by utpal; 12-09-2005 at 05:31 PM.
# 20 12-09-2005 , 08:23 PM
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Man joust was the shit back in the day.. i remember playing a PC version failry recently that you could play against people in real time... man.. that game was awesome. It has to be one of the first attempts at physics in a game.. faster you were going. harder it was to turn around. higher you went. faster you fell...

I just hope you make a nice scene in the end to do the charactor justice.

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# 21 13-09-2005 , 04:11 AM
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Hi kiveun- I don't know a whole lot about creating wireframe renders. I just harden normals on a poly model and use the MAYA VECTOR renderer. I believe the only settings I change from default are checking the INCLUDE EDGES box under the EDGE options (in render globals) and then toy with the edge weight and color. Then I just comp it over the "regular" render in photoshop setting the layer to MULTIPLY and adjust the opacity. Those are the basics anyhow.user added image

jrmarauri- Thank you! I think everything should be a bit goofy if even in just some subtle way.

utpal-I will post some close-ups for you soonuser added image

twisteddragon33-Yeah, Joust has stuck in my head for years. Even the damned sound effects ... I can still hear them! I played the HELL outta Joust! I will try to do it justiceuser added image

Wing update. The front part of the wing will overlap the feathers and look much more unified when I get things sorted.

# 22 13-09-2005 , 07:42 AM
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i really find your legs quite interesting. i can see some details, but still can't figure out how you brought the shape out.. and the head and the beak are even more so. is your whole character a single mesh?
to show the wireframes, you can maye take a screen capture in Wireframe on Shaded mode. but, of course, won't look as good as your renders then...

# 23 14-09-2005 , 05:20 PM
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# 24 14-09-2005 , 05:58 PM
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Dude, going well! Impressive wings too. Looking forward to the textures



# 25 14-09-2005 , 06:55 PM
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hey, thanks a lot man. that explains things a lot better.
when you see it in low-res, things do seem a lot simpler; but, its the figuring it out that takes a lot of learning. hard to believe that you are a beginner at modeling. i've been doing Maya for quite some time, but still can't manage model that clean.

keep it up, and keep posting...

# 26 14-09-2005 , 07:15 PM
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It's getting great!:bow:

# 27 14-09-2005 , 07:24 PM
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Hey Jay! Texturing this scares me. I think I've gotta restructure the feathers so that they're attached in groups and not individual meshes. Then some alpha channel work and maybe some displacement.

utpal- glad I could clear things upuser added image

jramauri- Ha! Thanks, man!

OK. One more before I have to drag my ass off to work. I've started in on the riding gear and added a banner. I think I should be able to finish up all the modeling (including the rider) by early next week.

# 28 15-09-2005 , 07:55 AM
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it looks great! user added image
how many polys are you upto so far?

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# 29 15-09-2005 , 04:44 PM
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looks great Swanky, the eyes are great.


René Descartes
# 30 15-09-2005 , 07:54 PM
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veeeeeeery cool, good modeling :bow: and i like that japanese-like flag, but the wings are going to be spread in the final pose, isn't it? because if not, it will be a mess....

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