Maya 2020 fundamentals - modelling the real world
Get halfway through a model and find it's an unworkable mess? Can't add edge loops where you need them? Can't subdivide a mesh properly? If any of this sounds familiar check this course out.
# 16 26-01-2006 , 12:08 PM
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Nice and clean model so it'll make texturing alot easer. Can't wait to see how this turns out.

You going to try some nice HDRI on it or something like that?

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# 17 26-01-2006 , 03:26 PM
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If you wrote tutorials, I swear you'd be richer than Bill Gates within the first 10 minutes of distribution. user added image

I'm full of anticipation to see how this will turn out. It's going to be my new desktop wallpaper. (That is, if you don't mind dilberts.) user added image

Nobody felt like avenging your death. Sorry.
# 18 26-01-2006 , 06:18 PM
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Darijo, I'd say that blueprints are essential to getting the basic shape and proportions right, but for the amount of detail that Dilberts puts into his models, you'd need lots and lots of photos of the real thing in order to get it right. But yeah, I wouldn't try to make a car without at least front, top and side view blurprints, preferably back as well...

Oh, and you da man Dilberts! :bow:

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# 19 26-01-2006 , 07:47 PM
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I couldn't imagine starting a model without image planes. It's not as if it's cheating or anything.

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# 20 27-01-2006 , 12:13 AM
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darijo203, to answer your question I need both to make a good model. Using reference images as image planes never works as you'll never find a photo that is perfectly orthographic. Luckily good blueprints are easy to find on the web. For instance, on the bmw homepage each car has a downloadable pdf brochure that has all the car specs, pictures, and a full set of blueprints. Saves you having to fake like you're buying a car just to get the free literature that the car dealers have user added image I always try to get a side, top and front view (and a back if I can) Reference pics are essential for the detail work, and it's the details that make a model look convincing. I have the OM Tools package set up in Maya so the edge loop tool comes in real handy for clean edges )plus it saves a bunch of time).

Tim_livid, I'm actually going to shy away from the HDRI for this one. I'm going to try to perfect a clean studio render with relection planes as HDRI's feel like a quick fix sometimes. Like I said, the rendering process is the real aim for this project.

Shadeblade, thanks, and you're welcome to do what you will with anything I post.

# 21 27-01-2006 , 06:08 AM
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hey dilberts sorry no replied to this job yet not been very active of late

exellent job so for bud very nice modeling

now saying that we can't have you being perfect user added image
just a personal thing i could be wrong but to me there are some edges a little to sharp and i mean a little for example the top edge of the flat section of the wheel arch i think needs to be a little more rounded is only a fraction
{wouldn't mind seeing wire}

anyway keep up the exelent work lookforward to seing more

# 22 27-01-2006 , 06:32 AM
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I fixed a few details that were bugging me (Visitor, you were right about that edge, I softened it a little, but it may need more). Mainly I adjusted the logo area, tightened up the lower headlight part, worked on the front grill, and increased the separation between the hood and the wheel arch. Gotta move on to the next piece soon, but I have to make the grill for the hood cutaway first.

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# 23 27-01-2006 , 09:43 AM
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Can't really fault what you have done so far.

Maybe you could do a render with mental ray and then with HDRI and compare the difference. I see what you mean by HDRI being a quick fix sometimes but it can look cool if it's done right.

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# 24 27-01-2006 , 09:58 AM
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Dilberts, thanks a bunch for the tip on the pdf blueprints... I've never been to keen on BMW's, but I've got a weak spot for the Series 1 Sports Hatch, now I might have a go at modelling it user added image

Liter is French for 'Gimme some ****ing cola before I break vous ****ing lips!"
# 25 27-01-2006 , 03:12 PM
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looking better maybe soften that edge mabe as much again at most maybe half but your getting there

this is going to be as awsome as the rest of you stuff is a pleasure to see you WiP's

i'm a bit slow today but OM Tools package?? i'm i missing something or just slowere than i think what package is this user added image

keep up the good work

# 26 27-01-2006 , 09:45 PM
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Hey Dilberts! Your hard surface modeling skills are fantastic. This is, to me, turning out just as good or better then your Porsche! Fantastic job! UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE! user added image

Cya Later,
Matt user added image

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# 27 28-01-2006 , 12:41 AM
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Nothing to update right now (just got back from work), but Visitor, to answer your question the OMToolbox set is downloadable fron It has about 10 poly tools in it, but the one I use most is the poly loop split. Maya 7.0 might have these tools already for all I know, as I'm running with 6.0.

# 28 28-01-2006 , 01:10 AM
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Hmmm... I know that MJ poly tools are good too, you can give those a try too, the loop split is one of the MJ tools as well

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# 29 28-01-2006 , 11:52 AM
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Originally posted by MattTheMan
Hmmm... I know that MJ poly tools are good too, you can give those a try too, the loop split is one of the MJ tools as well

Yeah, I have them too.
Incereasing and decreasing resolutin in a second.
Great tool.

# 30 28-01-2006 , 11:54 AM
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I haven't played with hardly any of the new tools in Maya 7

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