Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 16 14-03-2006 , 01:03 PM
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Cheers Jay,

I'm hoping that too!! I've pretty much done this part now, having spent the morning extruding pipes I'm looking forward to making a different part!!! I do still have to do the very back of it but I think that can wait.

Not to sure where to go next, I'll probably make a start on the bit that looks like sledge runners at the back, it's probably got a technical name but at least I know what I'm on about!

Take it easy,


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# 17 14-03-2006 , 01:50 PM
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looks very nice matt some good detail in there. user added image

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# 18 14-03-2006 , 02:05 PM
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Yeah thats looking great Definatly some awesome detail and time put into that.

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# 19 14-03-2006 , 04:59 PM
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Thanks fellas,

concorddawned, surprisingly it hasn't taken that long to get this far. Because I spent a couple of hours getting the basic shape down it has just been a case (so far) of filling in the details, I'm sure it will get more complicated soon.

Anyway here's an update, I got the runner things done.

Take it easy,


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# 20 14-03-2006 , 06:09 PM
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nice choice of subject user added image

firefly is great and the movie was pretty good too (though losing wash and the shepard were a bit bad user added image

Its looking real good so far, keep it up.
Are you tempted with doing the interior as well??


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# 21 18-03-2006 , 05:06 PM
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Hello folks,

Cheers Tick, yeah why did they kill them off? I wanted to know who the shepard really was and wash didn't deserve to die, I couldn't get the fact that he was Steve the pirate, YARRrrrrrr, from dodgeball out of my head and that made me smile.

Sorry I've not updated for a few days, I just discovered that I have a month less than I believed to get my university stuff done so I thought I'd better make a start on it!! I had a bit of a play with Maya today though and rebuilt the front end, before I put in any detail, as I wasn't happy with the lines on the original.

I'll post more as I do it. Take it easy,


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Last edited by happymat27; 19-03-2006 at 07:23 AM.
# 22 18-03-2006 , 06:14 PM
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Really well done so far! ... but you guys just spoiled the movie for me ... I guess thats what I get for waiting so long to see it:hug: Maybe if I drink enough before I watch it I will forget what I've read.

Keep rockin' dude!


# 23 19-03-2006 , 07:38 PM
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Sorry swankymonkey, drinking lots is always an option!

Tick, I forgot to answer your question about the interior. I don't think I'll be doing it this time, maybe one day as a seperate project, who knows?

I managed to squeeze in a bit of modelling time today and put some detail around the cabin area.

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# 24 20-03-2006 , 07:58 AM
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excellent detail man, coming on very good.! user added image

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# 25 20-03-2006 , 08:49 AM
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very nice detail, looking forward to seeing this bird fly! user added image

sorry swanky user added image I forget that people still haven't seen it. Drink copious amounts of alcohol and you'll also probably forget what happens after you've seen it anyways user added image

Examples of bTraffic - a traffic animation tool for Maya
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# 26 20-03-2006 , 01:15 PM
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Amazing detail man, is coming really goos keep up the good work user added image


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# 27 20-03-2006 , 01:23 PM
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I think you might want to bevel the edges. Right now it looks like you could cut yourself on the edges.

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# 28 20-03-2006 , 05:57 PM
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Hello folks,

and cheers for the thoughts. I think you may be right about the edges NextDesign, although they don't look so bad without the wireframe showing. I'll see what I can do about them when I'm going over the model again.

Another update, I made the antenna things on the sides of the cockpit and added details to the top of the neck.



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# 29 21-03-2006 , 12:03 AM
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Wow dude. this is looking awsome. keep it up!

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# 30 22-03-2006 , 09:07 AM
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it's looking really cool!

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