Integrating 3D models with photography
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# 16 16-01-2007 , 04:38 AM
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I think its for Maya software, but it works with mental ray, its not the SSS mental ray shader.

Heres a link to it, I cant find it on his site, sorry its not the "Golden Idol", its the "Copper Zombie".

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 17 16-01-2007 , 06:00 AM
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Thanx for all the input guys, very muchly appreciated. You can read and do tutes all day long, but you've still only got one perspective on your work unless you get feedback. Nice or otherwise, all extra opinions help.

Uh-huh, blendshapes. I've got the idea of phonemes and doing the breakdown first, but I've never animated anything much more than stickmen on the corners of exercise books in highschool, Lol.
Oh yeah, I don't know if blendshapes are used at all in the tute to be honest, I didn't even bother to look at the stuff on rigging her yet. That's just one thing I'd have zero chance of translating from one to the other at the moment. Rigging, blending, smooth/rigid binding, basically anything to do with movement..

As for the texture on the face, hmm. Guess I'd better hang my head in shame. So far I've used nothing more than very simple shaders. The sword's the only part that actually has a texture. :blush: The skin is only done with a crappy blinn at the moment. I only want something that looks reasonably realistic in colour, and blinn was chosen since it shows up surface irregularities quite well, on account of the specular highlights. Can't be sure which renderer I used for all the pics so far. More than likely just the software one with raytracing turned on just enough to cast nice sharp shadows and a reflection of the sword in her boots.

Yeah, you like the sword? That was actually one of the easier parts for me so far. Nice hard surfaces, exactly defined shapes even if not perfectly scaled. The Joan tute is great if monkey wants to do what monkey sees. The sword's here if you want it.. Just change the reference to the texture file to suit. Something lossless is obviously the preffered format, but when the choice is 13kb jpg VS 475kb psd, the only choice is whether to include a crappy jpeg or to include nothing. It takes all of about 3 minutes to texture it as I've done thanx to the way I did the UVs, so if anyone wants it, it's attached. All modelled in polygons, then converted to subds for the rendering. Perhaps would have better off doing the uv mapping on a subd, wouldn't have had the texture moving around a bit like it did, but hey it's all learning.

Ahhh, I see. Steven Stahlberg is it? Must have a look at that one tonight, thanx gster. I may even have seen that a few months ago and dismissed it as way too far in the future for me. It's amazing how much easier and faster something is when you're really enjoying yourself.

Guess I really should get back to her, too much tv and gaming these last couple nights, man it's hot in Melbourne at the moment. Staying at 25-30 deg C overnight is nothing out of the ordinary at the moment and I don't have air-conditioning.

Oh well, Copper Zombie, here I come...

EDIT: Just found something by Stahlberg on Human Skin Shading. It's here.


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Last edited by enhzflep; 16-01-2007 at 06:05 AM.
# 18 24-01-2007 , 08:02 AM
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Just a bit more progress, I've been slack:blush:

Think I'm about finished with modelling her hair and gloves now. I may put in a little more detail and a few more wrinkles around the wrists, I'll see how I go.

Plz excuse the rough hair - UVd in 5 mins, textured in about the same, just want to get a feel for it as I go.

Time for the loin-cloth, skirt, clothing wrinkles and belt. Think I may leave her arms bare, preffer to see at least a little skin..

I'm happy to be here after 4 months of teaching myself.

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# 19 24-01-2007 , 08:15 AM
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looks pretty good so far, and i LOVE the hair in the back. you didn't actually model the gloves over top of the hands, did you? (any way we could see a close-up of the hands? from the last pic they look a little flat.)

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# 20 24-01-2007 , 08:25 AM
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"Just a bit more progress, I've been slack"

haha dont worry, i have too :p

really love the hair now... its looks much better longer at the bank than the last post you did when she had none :| lol,

also just wondering, i said this along time ago but i think i see it again or is it my eyes lol, looks like there no kind of wrist from here. could you post a pic from a better angle at that simon, thanks man...



# 21 24-01-2007 , 08:32 AM
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Cool as, thanks Neo.

Heheh, nah - didn't bother to do the hands as well. I'm a bit stupid at times, but too lazy to have fallen for that..user added image

Here you go, Hands and Hair again..


EDIT: Thanx Marlon, how's this for a better angle?

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# 22 24-01-2007 , 08:38 AM
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 1,937
cool cool.... thanks

the hand/wrist area looks good from last time when you didnt really have any lol. i really like the hair once again, it looks pretty cool user added image

i think i shall go to bed... i got a massive headache and look at the time, 4:34am :|

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