Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 16 08-10-2007 , 01:35 PM
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With the wrap you can just pose the model, then switch the geos to see whats its like rarter than smoothing and going backwards and forwards with the smooth node. Its pretty good practice as if you say make a low poly model then smooth it, and then Zbrush it bringing in maybe a higher res with a displacmement map it would be a bugger to animate with so using a wrap deformer gives you the freedom to animate with speed but still keep the lovelyness of the high poly model work.

You can also use blendshapes, influence objects to make muscle deformations that are then taken onto the high poly model only using the high poly at render time.

End of the day its up to you, you can use it for animating pretty much anything (eg a car, have the high poly driven by a really low poly model as the stand in.)

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 17 08-10-2007 , 02:27 PM
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I might have to remember that info for a later project, I accidentally saved it after smoothing and did a delete history before realizing that I had smoothed it. Anyway it's hopefully not going to be too big of a problem. Thanks for the suggestion though.

# 18 08-10-2007 , 09:23 PM
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That should be just about it for the texturing.
Now I'm on to learning and doing the rigging and painting weights and all that fun stuff. Any comments or crits are welcome.

# 19 08-10-2007 , 09:54 PM
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gster I should have followed your advice although my model being permanent smooth was an accident. I just started the video for the rigging and it being in low poly at this moment would have made this a lot easier, I have so many more verts I have to click on to do the blend shapes. :headbang: damn

edit: I'm going to use my edge loop select plug-in and delete a bunch of edges, time consuming yes, but hopefully it will work and I can get a low poly version back. Now I just hope this doesn't mess up anything by doing this, although I don't think it should.

one more edit: I got rid of some extra edges, and got rid of quite a few around the mouth, this should be more manageable. I'm going to save it as a separate scene just in case.

Last edited by Rhetoric Camel; 08-10-2007 at 10:31 PM.
# 20 09-10-2007 , 12:59 AM
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alright I was doing some joint layouts and following the low poly rigging tutorial from this board. I went to orient the root joint that the hips connect to, and the back connects to. After orienting it and hitting F8. I now for some reason can't highlight geometry just joints by just left clicking and dragging across the screen.

Then there's also this:
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Why is this still up?

any help with either question, I would be very grateful.

# 21 09-10-2007 , 03:00 AM
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joints are higher on the selection hierarchy, which just means that they will be selected over geometry. just turn off joints using the component selection masks.

looks like you're making fast progress on your project. user added image

Last edited by arran; 09-10-2007 at 12:18 PM.
# 22 09-10-2007 , 04:25 AM
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Haha, at the moment it reminds me of those silly chicken-men from the newest Zelda game. user added image

# 23 09-10-2007 , 12:15 PM
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thanks for your help arran, I appreciate it, haven't given it a shot yet but I will in a little bit. I've taken this week off from work thats why I have so much dedication to maya this week. Hopefully I can keep it up even after I get back into working all the time.

Weyu, never played it so I don't know. He will look different once I add hair, scruffy beard, eye-brows, and clothing. It's supposed to be a really cartoony version of me. I don't know how much it looks like me but that was the goal, and I'm not going back for nothing, haha.

Thanks again guys.

# 24 09-10-2007 , 07:39 PM
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well today so far I've finally figured out the softmod tool which I've never used until tonight trying to make blendshapes for the face. This was pretty time consuming and hopefully these expressions will work for the mouth for animation and attempting to make him talk.
Next I have to work on eye blendshapes for blinking and winking, and squinting, and all that good stuff.

Here are the mouth expressions I have made, any crits or comments on them would be appreciated.
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# 25 10-10-2007 , 12:05 AM
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threw together 5 blendshapes for the eyes, going to work on a few more, oh and I added eyebrows to the character

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once again any comments or crits are greatly appreciated.

# 26 10-10-2007 , 10:11 AM
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I went to do a render of this guy in maxwell just to see what it looks like in a render engine like that, and the image comes out blurry and I have all the settings set to the defaults, anyone know what could be the cause of this? I'd post an image but I didn't save it since it was blurry.

# 27 10-10-2007 , 10:24 AM
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Maxwell? for an animation?

Must have a lot of time on your hands.

Are you using the demo version of it?

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 28 10-10-2007 , 10:27 AM
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no I'm not going to use it for an animation, I just wanted to see what it would look like in maxwell. Just screwing around and it made me wonder why it was blurry, never came out blurry when I rendered my car I made a few months ago. Oh and I do have a lot of time on my hands, was contemplating doing a regular render of the animation and a maxwell render of it, but thats only if I had the patience.

# 29 10-10-2007 , 10:34 AM
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Would like to see a render of the guy, also since your going all out on this, give the SSS shader a go, theres a great free tutorial on gnomon about it, I dont think its scompatable with Maxwell though, with it bein MR and all

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 30 10-10-2007 , 11:12 AM
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never even attempted the SSS shader, but maybe I'll give it a try.

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