Maya 2020 fundamentals - modelling the real world
Get halfway through a model and find it's an unworkable mess? Can't add edge loops where you need them? Can't subdivide a mesh properly? If any of this sounds familiar check this course out.
# 16 22-01-2008 , 07:05 AM
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I think that a merger would possibly be the stupidest thing either company could do. As it is, either program is massive and require a really good computer to take full advantage of either one. Can you imagine the kind of monster that a maya-max combo would be? user added image

Plus, they would probably have realized this too and would decide to cut them both down, and of course that means more than just maya's dipds**t scaling tool (why on earth wouldn't it have the same options as the transform and rotate tools? :headbang: )

Oh and on the subject of key lighting, I have never, in all my life seen a case where key orks better than a more realistic set up. Now I'm speaking in terms of both photography and cinematography, and in both, unless you want it to look like it was done with key lighting (I.e. headshots for models), there are almost always better ways of lighting a shot. I use a canon XL2 for filmmaking, and I've got to say, use key lighting with it and it looks like crap. There is a time and place for key lighting, but it is by no means the end-all, be-all of lightning, the fix-anything light rig. Creativity and knowledge of light theory is just as important as composition is for setting the right atmosphere and mood for any picture. Sorry, now that I'm done ranting I think I need a nap :zzz:

# 17 22-01-2008 , 11:33 AM
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I think it is possible that Autodesk will merge Max and Maya. Think about it. They are a company, the only important thing to them is making profit. The more the better. So why have two development teams when you can have one? It saves the hassle of spending money and it saves the hassle of supporting two apps. Makes lots of sense from a business point of view.

If it ever does happen (I hope not) I don't think it will have much impact on the number of customers Autodesk has. They won't merge Max into Maya and call it Maya, or Maya into Max and call it Max. It will be called something new and flashy that the marketing department will conjure - like Maxaya or Mayax. Just in case, I'm copyrighting those names! user added image

And anyways, since Autodesk is kinda like a monopoly, everyone has to buy from them. (Yes I know there are other good 3D apps out there, but did anyone ever get fired for buying Autodesk?)

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# 18 22-01-2008 , 02:26 PM
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Originally posted by The Architect
I think it is possible that Autodesk will merge Max and Maya. Think about it. They are a company, the only important thing to them is making profit. The more the better. So why have two development teams when you can have one? It saves the hassle of spending money and it saves the hassle of supporting two apps. Makes lots of sense from a business point of view.

It dosent not really, if you think about having 2 apps, you can send one down one route and keep one half of an industry happy, and send the other down the other and keep the other side of the industry happy, that way the more taylored the app is the more people in the target sector you'll get using it, merge it into one and your going to alienate people that will switch to another app thats more "suited" to the job at hand.

Think about say a car, its like saying that ford should just make a middle of the road car (say for argumants sake a mondeo saloon) and stick at that, that way they have less development, manufacturing costs etc, but if some consumers want a small car there pushed out and have to look elsewhere, if they want an estate, look elsewhere, even though the thing there developing "fits" the average user.

Hi Mirek, Ive been doing a bit of programming and the the basis of maya is nodes, and that each piece of data is just passed form one node to the other, as long as its the right sort of data it just processes it without regards to where its come form or where its going, it just does what it needs to do, max processes things differently to mayas nodes.

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# 19 22-01-2008 , 02:37 PM
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Originally posted by gster123
It dosent not really, if you think about having 2 apps, you can send one down one route and keep one half of an industry happy, and send the other down the other and keep the other side of the industry happy, that way the more taylored the app is the more people in the target sector you'll get using it, merge it into one and your going to alienate people that will switch to another app thats more "suited" to the job at hand.

Think about say a car, its like saying that ford should just make a middle of the road car (say for argumants sake a mondeo saloon) and stick at that, that way they have less development, manufacturing costs etc, but if some consumers want a small car there pushed out and have to look elsewhere, if they want an estate, look elsewhere, even though the thing there developing "fits" the average user.

I can understand the different markets with different requirements, but I have doubts about whether that can be applied to Maya. Max and Maya are both positioned to be high end products, regardless of what they have been traditionally used for (Maya for movies, Max for games) there is always going to be overlap.

Seems rather pointless to me when you have two departments competing. Imagine you are trying to buy a 3D app form Autodesk. You've got the Autodesk Maya people trying to persuade you and then you've got the Autodesk Max people doing the same. You think to yourself that maybe Autodesk is a bit crazy, so its better to get Lightwave. OK, so this may not really happen in real life, but then when two groups of people in the same company are in the same space, there is always a bit of competition (fighting) - and the result is: Autodesk looses money.

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# 20 22-01-2008 , 03:04 PM
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I'm sorry Architect but that dosent happen in a business.

Ive worked in a large company that sold a lot of products that might on the single glance look like they all do the same, but each product had its market, even if they overlaped in some way, that were taylored to the different users and markets, we never had people going... ohhhh they look the same, think i'll go with another company that only does "one" product.

If a studio's looking to shell out a lot of money on licences for a product then you can bet that they will be talking to a supplier to find the best product to suit their needs and their pipelines, not either flip a coin or think, "im confused with all these options, lets get a completly different product instead", and the supplier will want to give them the best fit as they will get it back in the ear if they sold a product that didnt meet the requirements.

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# 21 22-01-2008 , 03:21 PM
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Like I said, it doesn't really happen in real life, I greatly exaggerated the scenario, but they certainly do compete with each other, whether its noticeable or not, there is always competition between different departments going after the same carrot. And the side effect of such things is that it spreads FUD and FUD, I think you'll agree can make procurers go crazy and get entirely different products, after all it is FUD.

Did anyone notice those Microsoft ads on Linux websites saying that Linux is full of infighting, Linux is full of chaos, Linux has different distros that *shock* *horror* compete with each other! user added image

And then out of the rolling Vistas comes Microsoft Windows, its stable and secure and because its from the world's biggest software monopoly, and its going to stay forever!

I'm digressing. Anyways, this FUD sometimes doesn't even have to be put in front of you to make people consider changing. Infighting or fighting of any kind, whether real or imagined is going to scare off customers, who will look for safer ground or software from a company that doesn't compete (or appear to) with itself.

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# 22 22-01-2008 , 03:34 PM
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If you think that theres FUD then thats you, wait, maybe I shouldent get that PS3 I was thinking of as theres one similar to it, thats got a slightly different HDD, or maybe if I do there going to dump it in a bit, or will I get the one that there going to keep, wait silly argument, its just options, i'll get the one that suits my needs and budget

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# 23 22-01-2008 , 03:47 PM
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FUD is what drives the world, as silly as it sometimes. I watched the morning news and the share market tumbled 250+ points, before the US decided to cut their intrest rates. By mid day it rose back up 200 somethings points, near closing, someone began to panic and now its down 30 or 50...

And no, I have no intrest in Wall Street, its just that FUD + sharemarket is extremely fun to watch... user added image

As for game consoles, well Sony doesn't make the Playstation 3, Wii and X Box do they? With no internal competition, all that there is left is good competition - beating your rivals. From a few years of watching high end hardware distantly, a bit of FUD is enough to switch vendors.

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# 24 22-01-2008 , 03:54 PM
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I'll still get hte one that meets my needs and budget, same with max, maya, PS3, Xbox or whatever.

I wont let FUD choose for me, or make me switch vendors.

FUD hasnt stopped people getting any of the CAD packages that Autodesk offer, they havent been rolled into one almighty package....

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# 25 22-01-2008 , 04:02 PM
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Rolling everything into one big package is what companies do. Big ones buy a smaller one for one product, dump the rest and integrate that one product into their flagship one. Certainly, I'm not suggesting that you should buy whatever what dictates you to...

But ever since Maya got gobbled up by Autodesk, I've always wondered how long it would last. A lot of people back in the day were going crazy about it, I remember wasting one or two IT classes just to read what everyone was saying. Some people even posted lists of software Autodesk brought which are now nonexistent... The only way it to release Maya under the GPL... yeah, I know, it will never happen. user added image

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# 26 22-01-2008 , 04:15 PM
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We could argue this till the end of a fart, but things dont generally happen that way, if theres a market for the product then it will be sold, when theres not it will get dumped/added into an exisitng product, simple.

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# 27 22-01-2008 , 04:29 PM
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I guess we should be grateful that Maya exists today,,,

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# 28 22-01-2008 , 09:24 PM
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Originally posted by gster123
Hey Maybe Microsoft and apple will join?????

Dont jinx it steve! :p

I wonder what the layout of the OS would look like user added image ... wierd

# 29 22-01-2008 , 11:26 PM
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You know, I really think we should clean up our language. Some body said "Vista", and that's the filthiest word I know. :angery:

If there is a market for maya, which there will be, as most art and film colleges teach in Maya, it will stay Maya. Even if the stop updating it, who cares? 3rd party production will continue. It's just got too big of a user base, and it's too good of a program. Besides if autodesk desides to throw away something that admittedly cost them a far bit in terms of money, but not in time or effort, that would be their mistake.

*Knocks on wood*

By the by, what does FUD mean. You'll have to excuse me, I'm fairly new hear.

# 30 22-01-2008 , 11:34 PM
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Your right Agent,

FUD means Fear, Uncertanty and doubt

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