Plus, they would probably have realized this too and would decide to cut them both down, and of course that means more than just maya's dipds**t scaling tool (why on earth wouldn't it have the same options as the transform and rotate tools? :headbang: )
Oh and on the subject of key lighting, I have never, in all my life seen a case where key orks better than a more realistic set up. Now I'm speaking in terms of both photography and cinematography, and in both, unless you want it to look like it was done with key lighting (I.e. headshots for models), there are almost always better ways of lighting a shot. I use a canon XL2 for filmmaking, and I've got to say, use key lighting with it and it looks like crap. There is a time and place for key lighting, but it is by no means the end-all, be-all of lightning, the fix-anything light rig. Creativity and knowledge of light theory is just as important as composition is for setting the right atmosphere and mood for any picture. Sorry, now that I'm done ranting I think I need a nap :zzz: