Beer glass scene creation
This course contains a little bit of everything with modeling, UVing, texturing and dynamics in Maya, as well as compositing multilayered EXR's in Photoshop.
# 16 21-03-2008 , 01:11 AM
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Rhetoric Camel: lol yeah i get it, ive always been into metal love the stuff its fuel lol no apology needed
and definate cheers to that beer

# 17 21-03-2008 , 05:18 AM
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This is a pretty good start overall.

And from the experience of having interviewed a graduate or two for jobs in the past, this is far better than the stuff I saw on a final reel, I promise you - and this isnt even finished

just make sure you get it done!


# 18 21-03-2008 , 02:35 PM
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@anasasis: It isn't personal and believe me i had much harsher comments for the work i've done both now and in the past, so it's more like tough loveuser added image
@everyone else who is thinking i'm to harsh;
If you read past the first lines , you'll see it's not all crits.
And it's not like i want to make him depressed or something like that, only to get him focused so he will do his absolute best(if only to be able to say; crit this mastone you!@#$-or something like thatuser added image ).
And i didn't say it hasn't got any potential just that he needs to go a pretty long way to accomplish this with(relative )succes.

# 19 21-03-2008 , 03:31 PM
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carry on with being honest mate with your crit.

I completely understand your first comments, for me it wasnt harsh by any mean of the word. Like yourself Ive had worse crit too (including bad language to go with it). The problem with the written word is that it can be taken in many different ways as people often read between the lines, and not take it for what is actually said

Personally I cant stand it when people gloss over work with awsome, great, or even Coooool comments when clearly something isnt. Honesty is always the best policy and being constructive plays a big part in that and if people cannot take crit, then posting on forums like this is something they should reconsider.

back to thread in hand...


# 20 21-03-2008 , 05:40 PM
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I agree with mastones crits, after the rant, but to me the rant was harsh, dont get me wrong, I enjoy crit, but... I try too keep things real and polite and well... see how things come together.

Anywhoo back to the thread.

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 21 21-03-2008 , 07:42 PM
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mastone: i spose it may have been taken out of context and well it has given me a bit more determination to do a better job so in that case i thank you lol

jay: cheers mate and i will be getting this done i have access through uni to our motion capture lab so im thinking of getting in on that and motion capturing the animation with still using blendshapes for facial expressions as capturing the faces has had some bad consequences sometimes and a lot of data to clean up. thanx for the crit

cheers guys the head still coming along just a few more little improvements i need to make so once ive done that ill post that up should be sometime today hopefully.

# 22 21-03-2008 , 08:03 PM
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here is a more refined version of the head unsmoothed:

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# 23 21-03-2008 , 08:04 PM
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heres a more refined version of the head smoothed level 2

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# 24 22-03-2008 , 05:38 AM
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a warning: motion capture can look very shoddy for acting animation/ animation in general. Your models are actually relatively clean but they are missing large amounts of definition, you have edge loops that you have put in but are currently not serving their puprose.

Maybe wack togeather a quick skull volume underneath with spheres and cylinders to get the feel of where the guy's cheek bones are etc, use some reference, he looks quite alien. It shouldnt be too hard to get right since what you have is not messy.

When you model for animation, you have to be thinking about what the character is going to be performing, what are his key expressions that he needs to pull off and what does he need in terms of his mesh to do those.

Diffrent models require different mesh distribution and edge loops.


# 25 22-03-2008 , 06:51 AM
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cheers laurie ill look into that and search the net for some skull images for reference thats not a bad idea at all.

# 26 22-03-2008 , 06:58 AM
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okay guys ive been working at it a bit today sorry laurie but i havn't had time to check out any of those skull references yet but i i definately will. I stretched the head out a little as it goes better with his long body but my problem now i it does look kinda flat im but still lots of tweakin to be done.

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# 27 22-03-2008 , 02:12 PM
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A couple of things;

-there's a vertex approx on the place of the cheekbone that has 5 faces attached to it
-the cheeks are to puffy
-needs more definition around pretty much every facial feature; nose mouth eyes and ears.
- Edgeflow isn't very optimal
- I would for starters begin very low poly(about 100-200 faces)just rough in the basic shape, the mouth should be nearly closed(you will make him yawn with blendshapes later user added image )create a polysphere make it live and with the create polygon tool draw the eyelids on the sphere extrude the edges around the newly created poly-object and delete the inner face.
Create a polycube and shape the nose then place it on its spot.
Now extrude edges from around the mouth and eye and connect the vertices.
Now slowly begin adjusting your edgeflow, so that the " lines " are running smoothly once your done with that place new edge loops and define your model.
I usually do the mouth a bit then the eyes a bit then the nose a bit, and then start tweaking the mouth again and so on.
This way i am ensuring that i'm not staring myself blind on the details and beginning to see it as a whole.
-Work with a smooth proxy--> delete half of his face and goto subdproxy-->optionbox and then select half and mirror over(probably)-X.
This way your lowpoly model will get better.
(just look on one of my threads if you don't get what i mean,there's bound to be a picture with a smoothproxy, and a wireframe too so you can see an example of what i mean with edgeflow)

I have kept the bastard level to an absolute minimum today don't you think LOL
user added image

# 28 22-03-2008 , 02:14 PM
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the stretched version of the head looks much better, it fits the style for which you're aiming. though i dont quite get whats going on around the eyes, especially that area just beneath them. his facial features need some defining they all kinda run together at the moment. personally i think the lighting works well for your house test shots but its really unflattering for your emo guy there.

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# 29 22-03-2008 , 08:31 PM
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mastone: thanks heaps mate i agree i definately need to add more deatil to the features and ill have a look at those cheek bones to see what i can do. i have been working with a smooth proxy and only half a face like you said i just put them together before i post. Thanks heaps ill get working on it and cheers for the minimal bastard level lol its all in the past

GecT: cheers i also like the stretched out version it does fit in a lot smoother i think when i stretched it out thats what maybe left the face look a little flat and why i should add more detail to the main features thanks for the crit.

# 30 23-03-2008 , 01:55 AM
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Love the concept behind this anasasis. The style is looking good as well although I am sure we will have to wait for some finalised renders to get a better idea of how this is going to look.
The head looks much better in the stretched version. Also do you have access to any sculpting software such as mudbox or zbrush. Although the topology is not perfect it should enable you to make improvements to the face shape at the lowest division level, + it can help greatly with things like ears and the eye sockets.

Looking forward to seeing this all come together.

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