Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 16 29-06-2008 , 06:04 PM
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i dont see anything that says vertex. at all... and im getting frustrated...

# 17 29-06-2008 , 06:20 PM
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These videos look way different in the UI compaird to the 8.5 im having a hard time navigating this program... because now i cant seem to find the mesh

I don't have any money to buy the book and my resources are depleted. I don't know what i can do and i thought this would be nice to learn, but i am having a hard time trying to learn the gui. I don't mean to complain because i am learning a little, but i cant seem to get the hang of this. I mean now i need to look for mesh, wares that? I've looked all over the program for it while still in "Object" mode. I really need help, i have so many nice ideas i wanna make but don't know anything about maya...

Last edited by Christen20; 29-06-2008 at 07:10 PM.
# 18 29-06-2008 , 07:19 PM
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TBH honest m8.. Press F1 and go thru the tutorials on the Help first. the YouTube tutorials are not made by professional or even semi professional instructors. I have used Maya for 3 or so years and those tutorials can cause total confusion. If you are using the PLE then its the same UI and Maya 8, 8.5 and 2008. Some of those tutorials will use Maya 7 and below and the menu sets changed at version 8.

It seems your getting confused over the UI, and thats the easier part, but tough to get your head around as there is so much to take in.

Try these freebies...

Then go onto these freebies:

Now time to fork out a little cash with these:

these should get you started and if you have no eversion from buying from the competition:

These will get you on the right road with little or no fuss.

Chris (formerly R@nSiD)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will truely know peace - Jimmy Hendrix
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# 19 29-06-2008 , 07:23 PM
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Cool, i can take these videos and put them on youtube. And give the information that these videos go ONLY with 8.5 they may go with version 8 but i haven't been around long enough for that....

so yea... ill look these over, and thank you for helping me get the confusion thing taken care of

This fricking program sucks... i cant even get to fallow the basics with out BUYING the damn thing.. I hit the space bar right. And i am looking for "Edit polygons" But i cant find ware it says "Edit Polygons" i only see "Edit Deformers"

do i need the retail version because this Maya PLE IS NOT! working for me. I have gone over the other freebies but they too dont show things that the maya PLE has. For example heres a pic of the thing tell me ware you see edit polygons

and the watermark isnt helping either. It keeps distracting me..

Last edited by Christen20; 29-06-2008 at 07:36 PM.
# 20 29-06-2008 , 08:36 PM
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The reason this is happening, is because you are in the animation menu set...

In the top left corner of the window, below the File, Edit, etc.. menu strip, is a drop down menu. Click on this and select Polygons.

Or you can simply press F3 on your keyboard to jump to the polygon menu set. From here you can access the Edit Mesh, and Mesh menus.

Also, have some patience! You won't learn Maya over night, or any program thats anymore complex than Windows media player for that matter!

"Your weapons are no match for ours! People of Mars, surrender!"
"Um, this isn't Mars. This is Earth."
"Earth? Earth-with-nuclear-weapons Earth?"
[long pause] "Friend!!"
# 21 29-06-2008 , 09:15 PM
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hang in there, it's tough to learn, you really have to have the motivation and dedication, when I learned it I felt the same way you do, I'm still not all that good but I take in every bit of information I can, sometimes I spent 10 or more hours on a weekend just messing around in maya, practicing, and it ends up just being a practice and not anything I end up saving. It's frustrating but I have faith in you.

# 22 29-06-2008 , 09:31 PM
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This is why im asking for a teacher who would be willing to teach me. Whats bugging me is EVERY ONE WANTS MONEy.... yea sure moneys nice, but does really bother some one that bad to want to sit down and teach a newbie the ropes.. Yea reading the books and tutorials are good but 1 i struggle with the books because i strain my eyes a lot to read, and 2 im checking youtube and the tutorial archive here and they either dont have the right version source video (Such as the right video for the current version) or they dont say what button or what method to use to get to that button...

sorry if all im doing is complaining

# 23 30-06-2008 , 12:09 AM
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Originally posted by Christen20
This is why im asking for a teacher who would be willing to teach me. Whats bugging me is EVERY ONE WANTS MONEy.... yea sure moneys nice, but does really bother some one that bad to want to sit down and teach a newbie the ropes.. Yea reading the books and tutorials are good but 1 i struggle with the books because i strain my eyes a lot to read, and 2 im checking youtube and the tutorial archive here and they either dont have the right version source video (Such as the right video for the current version) or they dont say what button or what method to use to get to that button...

sorry if all im doing is complaining

Everybody's been down the "Uuhhh, where do I even start?!" road. PLE doesn't suck, that watermark does though :x but I've seen people use it still. And you just answered your own question, people who know enough to teach will want to be paid because as you can see its NOT easy, they had to go through that and more (lets face it, the software has been improved), its just one of those things that takes time and effort because the program is just a tool, YOU have to make things happen. Thats why you have communities like this where people with common interests, share and all that other good crap. So if you have questions, ask, I'm sure they'll get answered but as for asking a person who has enough technical knowledge and also the ability to instruct (without confusing a newbie all to hell) to take a perfect stranger on the internet under their wing for free? highly unlikely so don't hold out for that. Not trying to discourage you, just being realistic and on that note, don't get upset if you aren't making a Final Fantasy movie your 3rd month in lol, be patient, stick with it and take baby steps. Get familiar with the interface and do the basic tuts in the help files.

And this image is just reinforcing what Mayaniac said (couldn't stare at those colors for too long man lol :p )

Attached Thumbnails

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# 24 30-06-2008 , 02:42 AM
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Originally posted by GecT
Everybody's been down the "Uuhhh, where do I even start?!" road. PLE doesn't suck, that watermark does though :x but I've seen people use it still. And you just answered your own question, people who know enough to teach will want to be paid because as you can see its NOT easy, they had to go through that and more (lets face it, the software has been improved), its just one of those things that takes time and effort because the program is just a tool, YOU have to make things happen. Thats why you have communities like this where people with common interests, share and all that other good crap. So if you have questions, ask, I'm sure they'll get answered but as for asking a person who has enough technical knowledge and also the ability to instruct (without confusing a newbie all to hell) to take a perfect stranger on the internet under their wing for free? highly unlikely so don't hold out for that. Not trying to discourage you, just being realistic and on that note, don't get upset if you aren't making a Final Fantasy movie your 3rd month in lol, be patient, stick with it and take baby steps. Get familiar with the interface and do the basic tuts in the help files.

And this image is just reinforcing what Mayaniac said (couldn't stare at those colors for too long man lol :p )

im not really looking to make FF based animation but more like future war. With mechs, foot soldires and much more. Im tired of the normal stuff like working with wings 3d because it has no animation program. I wanna get in touch with the big boys and make something worth while, ill go through these steps. I wont let its complexity get me down...

I just hope i wont be balled by all the stress it will bring... user added image

im beginning to think i might need the retail version in order for this thing to work.... because i cycled through the drop down menu and i did not see "Modeling" ware if you hit the space bar you would see "Edit Polygons"

this PLE is sure something... I dont know how you guys did it but i can sure tell you this aint no walk in the park like some people say it is :-p

Last edited by Christen20; 30-06-2008 at 02:51 AM.
# 25 30-06-2008 , 03:34 AM
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Originally posted by Christen20
Cool, i can take these videos and put them on youtube.

I suggest that you DO NOT put these on YouTube. Althougn they are free, they are still subject to Copyright Laws and SM do not tolerate any theft of work done by any of the instructors.

And yeah Chill out, as I said you dont know the UI so why are you trying to mdoel? Learn from the F1 Help Tutorials before going any further...

Chris (formerly R@nSiD)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will truely know peace - Jimmy Hendrix
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# 26 30-06-2008 , 03:50 AM
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Originally posted by R@nSiD
I suggest that you DO NOT put these on YouTube. Althougn they are free, they are still subject to Copyright Laws and SM do not tolerate any theft of work done by any of the instructors.

And yeah Chill out, as I said you dont know the UI so why are you trying to mdoel? Learn from the F1 Help Tutorials before going any further...

Ok i didnt put down what my intentions where. i im sorry for that, planning on stealing the video dude...
(first comment was scratched due to miss interpretation)

I didn't STEAL it in case you didn't read the whole post, i was mearly stating that people can view the footage, though i make a full disclaimer. Showing that its not my material, maybe you should check youtube. A lot of people has stolen video material from maya as it is, and im plenty sure the actual program has been pirated by many people too. You my friend should know this, so what harm is it by taking FREE video material thats OPEN to the public for US to VIEW at our own will, not to mention DO what ever we would like with the footage.. NOT say that we made it witch a lot of people on youtube do, but I would make a full disclaimer stating that ITS NOT my material. I just post it for the current version

I also switched ware it said from animation to polygons. Not even that works...

user added image

As a side note.
Something tells me we aren't going to like each other very much in the future..

Last edited by Christen20; 30-06-2008 at 04:01 AM.
# 27 30-06-2008 , 04:22 AM
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Seriously dude, i would do what R@nSiD said


the tutorials there are up-to-date with the current version you are using, which means you will be able to find all the menus and all the bits and pieces you need

the text tutorials that come with the program (or are downloadable from the autodesk website) are the best place to start... EVER (at least imo...)

i only did a few of the tutorials in the order they came in before i heard about video tutorials (which are way cooler, but the only drawback is that its harder to find a particular part of the video tutorial because you can' t just hit ctrl+f )

what i did was the text tutorials that came with maya, then i found 3DBuzz, which had some nice beggining tutorials which were free
it DOES use an old version of Maya, but the best part is... BY THIS TIME YOU DID ENOUGH OF THE TEXT TUTORIALS THAT CAME WITH YOUR VERSION OF MAYA SO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU REALLY SHOULD BE LOOKING FOR (i would give an example, but that involves me having to view an entire tutorial on stuff i already know....)

so pretty much, i'm just saying do the text tutorials that come with maya (or that you get from the place you downloaded the PLE. same thing) and THEN go find yourself video tutorials.

I find the video tutorials here are great for learning other people's techniques

of would be damn nice if you did have a real live tutor to help you... it's always nicer to ask a question and getting an answer straight away without having to spend hours/days/weeks/months looking for the answer only to find that it was in the first tutorial you did....

# 28 30-06-2008 , 04:25 AM
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sorry, but its been a while since i have played with Maya due to exams in unrelated fields...

but isn't edit mesh the same as edit polygons?

btw, what are you trying to do with 'edit polygons'? (sorry if you already said what you're trying to do when you find this part of the menu...)

# 29 30-06-2008 , 05:01 AM
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Originally posted by Chirone
sorry, but its been a while since i have played with Maya due to exams in unrelated fields...

but isn't edit mesh the same as edit polygons?

btw, what are you trying to do with 'edit polygons'? (sorry if you already said what you're trying to do when you find this part of the menu...)

im just trying to familiarize my self with gui so i know ware things are... i want to know what names have been changed so i do get frustrated trying to find them

# 30 30-06-2008 , 06:31 AM
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Here a rough idea of the menu changes after version 7 from memory.

The modelling menu set was split into two menus called Polygons and Surfaces, anything to do with nurbs being under the Surfaces menu and anything to do with Polygons likewise under the Polygons menu set.

Under the Polygon menu set

Polygon tab became the Mesh tab

Edit polygon tab became the Edit Mesh tab

Under the surfaces menu set

Nurbs tab became Surfaces

Edit Nurbs remained the same

Subdivion surface tools are located here also.

Hope this helps with the confusion a little but if you follow the tutorials in the help files (F1) you will get less confused because they relate to your current version of Maya.

regards J.S.

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