I'm not sure how you would simulate the dust , maybe using some volume effects or something.Originally posted by tweetytunes
Well I missed the end of the Avatar Challenage (god dame it) and not alot of work has been done on this the last two weeks but I have a good resean
I Got Engaged
Had to take some time out to tell the family and look at some new houses and stuff but I`m getting back to work this week I promise.
Anyone know the best way to render out a moving dust layer - I what the corridor to look as if there is alot of dust in the air but have no idea where to start (apart from it will probably involve partials) I think it would add some missing character to the set.
Not for awhile, we getting a new house together first and we just got a puppy - and that's enough for now.Originally posted by stwert
Congrats!! When's the wedding?
About the dust, maybe have the floor, or ceiling emit particles and a low rate, add a subtle turbulence field, start the shot well into the simulation.