The answer to why you should post in relevant forum is this: This is a beginner site, and 90 percent of the questions asked here would as such fit into the newbie and basics category. The reasons for why we have separate categories is that specific forums get searched when people are looking for a quick answer rather than having to wait, and if an answer to a modeling question can be found in the modeling forum rather than the basics one people are more likely to find it. This also makes the search more accurate as you don't have to wade through tons of other threads that are not relevant, as you would if you had to search all open forums or if you were new to the site and didn't know that everything got dumped in this one section.This threads 'point' was keeping the level of replies to the level of the forum its in?? Hell no! match them to the question asked I say. Miss_Nova has also brought up posting in the right forum recently, I am a little confused. When you are a TOTAL noob you're probably going to ask questions about Modelling first up. Then you'll have issues with texturing... I think noobs SHOULD ask these questions in the Beginner/Newbie forum- Not the dedicated forums. What Newb questions are there that don't fit elsewhere?
On a site like this if everything ends up in the basics forum we might as well take away the mental ray, modeling, texturing, dynamics and materials sections and just have one basics lounge instead were it would be really difficult to find what you were looking for because it would contain all the threads and the search mechanism would not be able to search it as well. The basics forum should be there as a last resort if you don't know where to post or if you have a question like someone did on how to create hay, which could be a texturing, modeling or dynamics question. It is not intended as a place to ask every question you might have while you're learning maya as pretty much the whole forum is dedicated to that. Also we are adding new sections like maxwell and if you're then a beginner in maxwell you could reason that you should post your questions in the basics forum as well, at which point we'll have a complete mess and an empty maxwell forum and people who need help here which I know a lot of people do will have huge problems getting any good answers out of this forum as a search would throw up every wip or mention of maxwell that has ever been made in a thread.
This forum indexes every thread from the past ten years and has more than 30,000 threads. So having a forum that's optimized for search is something that helps other users, so our only intention with asking people to post in relevant category is only to make it easier for beginners like yourself.
The point Jay was trying to make was simply that massive is fairly complicated and not a piece of software you should pick up alonside maya while you're learning basic modeling, but something that would be more suitable to start juggling with when you have complete contol of Maya, as this is the point when you would benefit from an application like this.
Hope that explains it better,