I'm averaging 37Kbps. 
Hey Brian, is this your first reel? What you want to do is ALWAYS put your best stuff up front. I agree about the alien... Scrap it. It just doesn't stand up to the rest of the reel. And also about holding longer on the truck when it gets smashed. Either that or do a slow-mo of it getting crushed. (btw - how'd you do that?)
As for everything else, looks good. I would hold on the stills at least 3 seconds, but not necessary. They can always pause the tape.
Good luck, I'm sure you'll get hired with this reel.
BTW - you still never told us what company is hiring you. :p
Dave Baer
Professor of Digital Arts
Digital Media Arts College
Boca Raton, Florida
Last edited by dave_baer; 26-09-2003 at 01:41 AM.