Digital humans the art of the digital double
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# 16 07-01-2004 , 04:38 PM
soulcialism's Avatar
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thanks for the input. so far i've only spent about a total of 8 hours on this project, and since i'm still rather newbish with maya, 8 hours is a very short time span for me. all of your criticisms are things that i've thought about before but i don't know how to implement. here are some thoughts on the stuff you've mentioned:

Originally posted by Pure_Morning
Lighting, I think you need to pay a bit more attentino to the detail in the lighting. Remember that snow will reflect and refract a lot of light so you need to try and get this into your render. One way of achieving a better night time look is to tint your lights blue (either in the 3d render or in post it's up to you and what you feel more comfortable with (i'd be tempted to do it in post)).

right now my lighting rig consists of two spots, 1 focusing on the huts and 1 on the observatory, both are tinted blue as is but maybe i should get a little more extreme with the tinting. i also have a point light acting as sort of a key light at the camera so that the foreground isn't just black snow. i thought some fog might be neat, just a small layer but i don't know how to implement fog.

Perspective: There seems to be a lack of perspective in your scene. The stars dont look like they are off in the distance, rather they look like a plane stuck behind the geometry (which I'm assuming it is). Maybe try adjusting your camera settings to give more of a feeling of depth.

it definitely is just an image plane. what can i do to give a feeling of depth? use dof? i considered it but i need to experiment with it because i don't want to make it so that the focus of the picture (the huts/observatory) are out of focus

Snow: More specifically the snow on the tree. I just had a chat with one of the CG supervisors here are work and I showed him your tree and we agree that looking at the amount of snow on the other objects you wouldnt see that much detailin the tree. It would be much more conical and simple in shape. Also the branches of a pine tree tend to grow upwards not downwards (think about a christmas tree). So you would see very little of the tree itself, so maybe just make a new tree that gives the general idea of a tree being there but doesnt have such a defined shape.

i'm a little confused by this. when you say to make a new tree that gives the illusion of being a tree but doesn't have such a defined shape, what exactly do you mean? i tried to achieve that with the tree i posted...but maybe i fell short. i decided i'm going to try to use layered textures but once again i've never used them so maybe that will help the tree become more of a tree. i'll try messing with a couple of different modeling ideas that i have to see if i can come up with a more convincing tree.

addendum: was just thinking about why i like my first tree more than my others, and i think it's because with the snow on the branches, they would be weighed down (think lots of snow!) so they would appear to be drooping downward. just an afterthought...

Footprints: I like the idea of having some footprints in the snow that would be cool. Maybe have them comnig from where the camera is upto one of the houses that would give the scene more feeling.

i thought having a little worn down path would be neat, you know how when snow lays and people begin walking on it, it almost starts to look like a little trench of footprints, worn down to some dirty/grassy ground... once again i have no idea how to achieve this, any help is appreciated.

I hope my comments are helpful to you

indeed they are, thank you very much.

here's an update with untextured trees, depth of field, some other small changes.
user added image

aim: rabidflamingo

Last edited by soulcialism; 07-01-2004 at 06:35 PM.
# 17 07-01-2004 , 07:49 PM
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# 18 08-01-2004 , 09:51 AM
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lol @ dirack.

Ok the dof stuff isnt really going to help you as far as getting some depth with the sky, so what you could maybe do is extend the terrain out further and place the plane further back, also tilting it forwards may help. Failing that make a sky dome. I think the problem is that you dont really have a proper horizon feel and so the piece feels quite flat.

As far as your light rig goes, obviously the less lights you use the better as it will render quicker but I dont think that it's lit well enough yet. what you should do is remove all the lights and stat the lighting again. Adding more lights one by one and seeing what their effect on the scene is. My point is that there is a heck of a lot of difference between different areas of snow (the stuff near the houses is very bright and white, and some of the other snow is almost black even though there is nothing that would cause the snow to be that colour (bearing in mind that the moon would give a very even light to the whole scene)).

One other thing I have thought of is snow drifting, you would see more snow at the edges of one side of the buildings (where the wind has blown it) that would make a cool subtle effect on the scene.

As for your trees, what I meant was to have a more general tree shape that is completley covered in snow, I feel that with the depth of snow on the buildings the trees would be completly covered and you probably wouldnt see the branches at all.

Somebody else mentioned snow flakes if you do a really simple particle system and then do a fake DOF on it (dont use maya's dof fo it in post to save time)blur the hell outta the ones up in front of the camera and then have them throughout the scene that would help with depth in the scene as well.

I'm rambling a bit now so I'll stop and let you digest all of this user added image


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