Maya 2020 fundamentals - modelling the real world
Get halfway through a model and find it's an unworkable mess? Can't add edge loops where you need them? Can't subdivide a mesh properly? If any of this sounds familiar check this course out.
# 31 04-11-2007 , 09:38 AM
Posts: n/a
Well, it still doesn't want to cooperate very well, and it's getting pretty irritating. I think I'll just leave it and hope that the texture hides it. user added image

When I'm done with the tuts I'm going to try to add some more detail. Here's one of the refs that I am using for it (aside from Kurt's):

I got some more work done on it today, the poly count is at 4,382 faces now.

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# 32 04-11-2007 , 10:05 AM
pbman's Avatar
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looks good so far

only a few crits. where the wing joins the fusalage at the front need to be rounded i think

also at the exhaust at the back u might have a problem with tangency

tail looks a bit dense from this angle

only small things that are easily to fix now to make this into a great model

Now at SMU doing BSc 3D Computer Animation so its hard to get on here
My wire render tut
# 33 04-11-2007 , 03:23 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by pbman
looks good so far

only a few crits. where the wing joins the fusalage at the front need to be rounded i think

OK, I'll try to fix that.

Originally posted by pbman
also at the exhaust at the back u might have a problem with tangency

I don't know that much about planes, can you please explain? A pic would be cool, too.

Originally posted by pbman
tail looks a bit dense from this angle

Yeah, I'll try to fix that too.

# 34 05-11-2007 , 05:50 PM
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JR here is another option for the square hole in a rounded surface problem. Wait until after you smooth the surface. Then cut the hole and bevel the edges.

No odd pinching in the corners with this mothod. But I think you'd have to delete history and uv layout the more dense smoothed model.

note 2.

Also your leading edge at the root is quite squared off and should be rounded.

Once again I think this problem can be fixed if you look at the way this filleted area of the wing is constructed in the actual airplane. Its really a seperate piece, so you might want to consider using a nurbs surface fillet to recreate it.

Make the fusalage, the wing and the wing fillet seperate parts. This way you could keep the wing and fusalage geometry lighter and take advantage of the nurbs surfacing fillet tool to create that shape.

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Last edited by ctbram; 06-11-2007 at 04:14 AM.
# 35 05-11-2007 , 11:27 PM
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It's a bad habit working on smoothed meshes though and not having the option to go back to lores. Last resort really... I think I only needed to do it once so far.

# 36 06-11-2007 , 09:01 AM
Posts: n/a
Rick, I appreciate the help, but I've spent way too much time trying to fix it, and it all results in wasted time.

So, I did 2 parts of the tut today (to make up for yesterday), and I might do another one tonight (to make up for tomorrow, because I might be too busy to work).

Here's the wireframe pic:

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# 37 06-11-2007 , 09:01 AM
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And the regular pic:

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# 38 09-11-2007 , 11:28 PM
Posts: n/a
Sorry about the lack of updates, I've been pretty busy lately. I'll be posting my finished model tomorrow, when I update my website.
user added image

# 39 10-11-2007 , 09:44 PM
Posts: n/a
OK, here's the finished model. Hopefully I'll be able to start the UV mapping (user added image) tomorrow, although I might be too busy.

The usual:

If you look on my site, you’ll find the HD pic (which I would highly recommend doing).

Does anyone have anything to say about the model, before I start the texturing?

user added image

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# 40 10-11-2007 , 11:28 PM
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The only glaring issue I see is the leading edge of the wing where it meets the fuselage. It should be rounded.

# 41 10-11-2007 , 11:46 PM
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Hi There, I would highly suggest using some kind of a light with shadows on. That will help you see better contours and shape.


# 42 11-11-2007 , 12:54 AM
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Originally posted by Dutch
The only glaring issue I see is the leading edge of the wing where it meets the fuselage. It should be rounded.

At the front of the wing?

Originally posted by Minstrel
Hi There, I would highly suggest using some kind of a light with shadows on. That will help you see better contours and shape.


……The shadows are on…… user added image

# 43 11-11-2007 , 06:24 PM
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Hi Jr.Who,

Your model is coming on well and when I was in Waterstones today (bookshop) I saw the Haynes Spitfire Manual and thought of your thread.

It has plenty of reference shot material including internal structures etc which would be very useful for a full blown super detailed model. It doesnt have a great deal of orthographic diagrams and has more 3D based drawings like on the front cover (although the majority of visuals are generic photos of spitfires).
Just thought it might be useful to you or anyone else getting into modelling any specific parts of a spitfire user added image


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Last edited by t1ck135; 11-11-2007 at 06:26 PM.
# 44 13-11-2007 , 02:05 PM
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Originally posted by Jr.Who
At the front of the wing?

Sorry, I built planes for 4 years and have a tendency to use industry terms. The leading edge is the front or forward part of the wing. The fuselage is the main body of the aircraft. I've indicated the area in the attached image.

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# 45 13-11-2007 , 02:14 PM
Posts: n/a
Thanks a lot, t1ck. user added image

Originally posted by Dutch
Sorry, I built planes for 4 years and have a tendency to use industry terms. The leading edge is the front or forward part of the wing. The fuselage is the main body of the aircraft. I've indicated the area in the attached image.

Thanks for the tips, I've tried to smooth that area out some more. I'm going to post a pic today of my progress on the UVs (if it's worth showing) later today.

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